How many new words can you make using the letters in EARTH DAY? You might not think there would be many, but you might be surprised when you put your mind to it!
This quote by Wendell Berry is very appropriate for an Earth Day cryptogram, but might be a little tricky to work out! We've included a series of hints that you can give out on the second page, together with the solution.
Here's another simple Earth Day cryptogram for the kids to tackle, with a hidden "slogan" appropriate for the day. We've included 3 hints that you give out if they are struggling, along with the solution, on the second page.
You will need to use logic to work out this Earth Day cryptogram, with the help of the letters we have provided. Teachers / parents will find some hints that they can give if necessary to help children solve the cryptogram, on the solution page (page 2 of the pdf file).