Dr Seuss Teaching Ideas


If you are thinking about creating a lesson based on The Cat in the Hat or other Dr Seuss books, you will find some inspiration here!

If I Ran The Zoo:
If I Ran the Zoo is the story of a young boy, Gerald McGrew, and how he transformed his imaginary zoo with lots of weird and wonderful creatures. Ask the children to imagine that they are Gerald McGrew and to draw (and perhaps describe in writing or rhyme for older children) one or more of the creatures that they would have in their zoo.

There's A Wocket In My Pocket:
There's A Wocket In My Pocket features more wonderful creatures, this time living in a house. The creature and the place it lives always rhyme (eg woset in the closet, a zlock behind the clock, a nooth grush on a tooth brush). Ask the children to come up with their own creatures, drawing them if they wish.

The Cat In The Hat:
Get the children to draw a large outline of a hat on a piece of paper, then fill it with as many "at" words as they can think of or remember from the story.


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