These useful flash cards drill "doubles" in addition format and print 2 per A4 sheet. You can use them as matching cards, or turn them into double-sided flash cards by folding in half and gluing together.
Doubles addition flash cards - numbers 1 - 25 - Log in or Become a Member to download
Doubles addition flash cards - numbers 26 - 50 - Log in or Become a Member to download
These flash cards help to "drill" children on halves of numbers up to 100. We've designed them to be quick to print and put together - simple fold in half along the vertical line and glue back to back, then cut around the outside edges.
These large flash cards help the kids to learn "halves" of numbers up to 100. Fold along the horizontal line and glue together before cutting around the edges.
Learn the "doubles" of numbers up to 50 with the help of these small flash cards or matching cards. For flash cards, fold in half and glue to make them double-sided.