Dinosaur Feet Craft


Try our Dinosaur Feet Craft with the kids - they are fun to make and fun to "stomp" with! You could also make more than one set and have dinosaur races...

Dinosaur feet, with strap
Our dinosaur feet, ready to wear with strap!

You will need:

Thick card (an old box is ideal)


Cut two large dinosaur feet from card. Paint the feet and leave to dry.

Make two holes in each foot, a little bit further apart than the width of your own feet.

Thread some ribbon through the holes, knotting underneath and leaving a loop above. The loop should be just big enough to slip your foot in. Thread a longer piece of ribbon through again knotting underneath. This second loop should reach up to your waist.

Slip your feet into the small loops and, holding the loops at waist height to help you control the feet, practice your dinosaur stomp!

Why not make a few sets and have races?

Dinosaur feet - ready for ribbons to be threaded through
Dinosaur feet - ready for ribbons to be threaded through

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