Dice Games


Explore our collection of dice games for kids. You will find instructions, printables, score sheets where necessary - and lots of fun! Dice games can be played quietly or noisily, with one or two kids or a crowd - and they are great for learning number and addition skills too.

Dice games are fun! They are also one of the oldest of all kinds of games: there are records of dice being played over 5,000 years ago! Dice have been found in Egyptian tombs and were very popular in Roman times.

Dice games are versatile. They can be based on luck, or on skill and planning. You can find games to play with two players or twenty, on a table or on the floor, with 3-year olds and with 70-year olds!

Dice games are educational. They are educational in obvious ways, for example encouraging counting and numbers in little children and quick mental addition in older children. But they are also excellent at reinforcing the concept of taking turns, scoring (both mental and on paper), winning and losing gracefully, patience and so much more. By the time your child reaches 7 or so they may even be able to resist hurling the dice onto the floor or all over the table on each and every go (although it is at this point that the temptation to try and manipulate the dice also begins to show itself!) Most of the dice games featured at Activity Village here below depend mainly on luck, although some of the later games begin to introduce strategic thinking and planning.

Dice games are portable. You can always find room for a few dice in the bottom of a handbag or pocket, and most games require no more than a paper and pencil to go with them. Or you can “pre-package” some of your favourite games with a stack of print- outs, small pencils, dice and any other necessary equipment in a re-sealable plastic bag or box and include it easily in an overnight case for travelling.

Dice games are satisfying. There are so many different kinds of dice to choose from now readily available in the shops or by mail order. Most children love the look and feel of dice and are happy to build up a collection - and are likely to choose a few particular dice to be their favourites, too.

Dice are cheap. You probably have a number of interesting dice lurking in existing family games, and you can certainly pick up more very cheaply these days through stationers, discount stores, gaming shops, educational catalogues or garage sales. We have been known to buy an old board game for cents from a garage sale just to acquire its dice.

Dice are collectible. Build up your store and keep them in their own box with a stack of counters and favourite playing pieces (unusual beads, plastic figures and animals, etc) and perhaps a shaker or two. Encourage the children to get them out and make up their own games with them ... .anything goes!

Apple Tree Dice Game

Apple Tree Dice Game

This is a fun number recognition game for an adult to play with a child, or for two children. It is easy to learn and quick to play, and there's lots of opportunity for counting too.

Balloons Dice Game

Balloons Dice Game

Balloons is an ideal early learning dice game for little kids. We've got a fun printable and 4 variations to play with different ages.

Beat That!

Beat That!

This is an easy game to learn, but one which is very popular with kids (and not too bad at keeping the odd grown up amused, too!). Great for learning the concept of place value.

Bunny Dice Addition

Bunny Dice Addition

Here's a fun way to practise addition of two numbers up to 12, using 2 normal dice and our game board with colouring pencils or counters. You can try this as a single player game against the clock, or as a multi player game.

Catch Up

Catch Up

This is a great game for groups of children and works with mixed ages well. You will need at least 4 children and up to 8 (any more than that and you should split them into two groups).


Crazy Faces

Crazy Faces

This game is just plain fun! And of course it is ideal for teaching very little children to recognise their colours. Instructions and printout below.

Age: 3+

Skills: Colours


Dice Cricket

Dice Cricket

With twenty runs needed and only one wicket left, things looked grim for England. But a flurry of boundaries left them with only two more runs to get. A final triumphant six and they’d won the game!

Farmyard Game Board Printable


The more hands-on practice young children have with counting, the easier it becomes to visualize numbers and give meaning to them. This farmyard game makes early learning fun!

Fish Dice Addition

Fish Dice Addition

Practising addition is fun with our fishy dice game! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the fish with the correct answer - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Five Senses Die

Five Senses Die

Use our fun five senses die to play some games that help the children think about our five senses. Ask the children to roll the die and see which sense lands at the top.

Flower Dice Addition

Flower Dice Addition

Here's a fun way to practice addition, with the help of some pretty flowers! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Going To Boston

Going To Boston

A well known and easy to learn dice game which gives children plenty of adding practice.

Age: 5+

Skills: Adding


Halloween Ghosts Dice Game 1

Halloween Ghosts Dice Game 1

Here's a fun Halloween-themed dice game for children learning the numbers 1 to 6, which you can play one to one with your child, or with 4 players in total.

You will need a dotted or numbered die and a collection of coloured counters, with a different colour for each player.

Mountain Dice Game


Mountain is a well-known dice game which is called by many names. Its simplicity makes it ideal for younger players, but with its variations it is popular with all ages.

Age: 4+

Mouse game


Mouse may be familiar already - it is certainly an old favourite from my childhood. It can be enjoyed by any number and age of child and needs nothing but a scrap of paper, a pencil and a die (or you can use our optional printable sheet). Download our printable below if you wish.

Number Chicks

Number Chicks

Number Chicks is a dice game which helps children with number recognition and includes a fast and fun variation for older kids. You can play it as a pencil and paper game with our printable sheet, or as a file folder or board game using our printable game board.

Pig Dice Addition

Pig Dice Addition

Practise addition skills with the help of some cute pigs! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Roll and Move

Roll and Move

When a little bit of movement or physical is required - grab a die and make a game of it! Roll the dice and do the movement you see in the chart. We've come up with 3 different ideas for each number, including some yoga poses, so there's lots of fun to be had with this activity.

Run For It!

Run For It!

A simple game of sequences (runs) which has the added bonus of helping kids learn the 5 times table!

Age: 4+

Seaside Dice Addition

Seaside Dice Addition

Help practise addition skills with a seaside theme! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer on the correct bucket and spade - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Seaside Multiplication Bump

Seaside Multiplication Bump

The kids can practise their timestables up to 12 with our seaside multiplication bump worksheets (see each printable worksheet for instructions).

Stuck In The Mud

Stuck In The Mud

This is one of our favourite family dice games. Children love the surprises that the game produces, with some turns ending abruptly and some going on for ever and ever...

Age: 5+

Subitising to Six Dots Flashcards

Subitising to Six Dots Flashcards

Help children get really familiar with the dot patterns of dice with these folding flashcards. The aim is that they recognise the pattern of the dots without having to count the dots each time. You could also cut each card apart and play a matching game.

Sun Dice Addition

Sun Dice Addition

Here's a fun way to practice addition, with the help of some suns! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear is an ideal introduction to dice games for very young children. They can learn to count the dots on the die and begin to recognise the patterns on the die by looking for the matching pattern on the teddies.

Ten Down

Ten Down

It’s possible to make a game out of basic maths drills, and this game does just that! As you are making your own dice you can tailor this game precisely to the age and level of your child.

Three Or More

Three Or More

This game is simple, fun and popular. It also introduces a number of the concepts of more advanced dice games.

Age: 5+

Skills: Addition (scoring)

Unicorn Roll the Dice Subitising Game

Unicorn Roll the Dice Subitising Game

Unicorn fans will enjoy playing this game, which is designed to help children learn to match the dots on dice to the appropriate numberals - while having fun, of course! Play singly or in pairs. All you will need is this printable, a die and 1 or 2 coloured pencils.

What's Your Number?

What's Your Number?

What’s Your Number? can be enjoyed by all ages of children - and any number up to 6. It is an exciting and popular dice race game and is sure to become one of your favourites!


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