Colour 2 more cupcakes! It looks to me as if one has a tasty wafer on top, and the other a pretty little icing flower. I wonder what colour these cupcakes will be? Cupcakes colouring page 2 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesTopicsFoodFood and Drink Colouring PagesCupcakes
Cupcake Teddy Bear Colouring Page Do you think the teddy bear on this colouring page is taking her cupcake to a teddy bear's picnic? It certainly looks very tasty!
Cupcake Border Colouring Page You could maybe write a short cupcake recipe inside this cupcake border circle, then colour in the pretty cupcakes too!
Cupcakes Circle Colouring Page This cupcake circle colouring page will keep colouring fans busy for a while, and will look fantastic once it's complete.