Crown Craft


Here is a very regal crown which is fun for kids to make and wear! What a fun craft for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee or any other royal occasion! This could also be useful for World Book Day.

Crown Craft

You will need:

  • A strip of gold card 10cm wide and long enough to go around your head with a few cm’s to spare
  • Cotton wool balls
  • PVA (white) glue
  • Gems
  • Stapler or double-sided tape


Cut triangles along one length of the card, to about ½ the width. These are the spikes at the top of your crown.

Paint a stripe of glue along the bottom of the crown and stick on a line of cotton wool balls.

Decorate the spikes with gems.

When the crown is dry join the ends together with staples or double sided tape and wear proudly!

Jack with crown and sceptre


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