Get drawing for Hanukkah by completing the picture of the chocolate coins known as gelt. The picture on the right is there as a guide. Complete the gelt puzzle - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysHanukkahHanukkah PuzzlesPuzzlesComplete the Picture Puzzles
Complete the Dreidel Puzzle A dreidel is a spinning top game traditionally played at Hanukkah. Children need to look closely at the picture on the right to complete the dreidel puzzle on the left.
Oil Lamp Grid Copy This oil lamp grid copy puzzle was made for Hanukkah but might also be fun for an Arabian Nights or Aladdin project.
Menorah Grid Copy Work through the squares one by one to draw a picture of a menorah, the Jewish candle holder lit each night of Hanukkah.