Complete the Blackbird Puzzle
There are parts missing on this blackbird picture which need filling in. Have a go using the complete picture as reference - or fold the paper and try without!
These complete the bird puzzles are half-way between a drawing activity and a puzzle, and require concentration, attention to detail and pencil control.
There are parts missing on this blackbird picture which need filling in. Have a go using the complete picture as reference - or fold the paper and try without!
Can the children complete the cute budgie picture, a fun test of drawing and observation?
Can you complete the missing areas on our chick? We have a complete picture to help you.
The beak, neck and part of the body are missing on one of our chickens. Can you use the picture on the right to help complete the chicken?
Childrave to fill in the blank parts of this puzzle to create their own cockatoo. It takes concentration and copying skills!
Can the kids complete the picture of a crane by copying the missing parts with reference to the picture on the right? It's a good way to practise drawing and concentration skills.
Our "complete the dove" puzzle is a test of observational skills. Children need to look closely at the picture on the right and use what they see to help them complete the picture on the left.
A puzzle, a drawing activity and a cute duck in one, our complete the duck puzzle has lots of kid appeal.
This complete the eagle puzzle is a real test of observational skills as children have to draw the missing parts on to the top eagle to make the two pictures match.
The idea of this emu puzzle is for the children to fill in the missing parts of the picture on the left by referring to the picture on the right. It's a great way to practise concentration and copying skills, but fun too!
Here are two pretty flamingos, but the one on the left has parts missing! Can the kids copy the missing bits from the picture on the right to make two complete flamingos? Have a pink crayon ready to colour them in once finished!
Can you complete the goose by drawing in her neck and tail? Take care to copy the picture.
Using the picture of the kiwi below, fill in the missing parts of the grid above.
Use the picture of the kookaburra on the right to complete the missing sections of the grid on the left - it's a mixture of a puzzle and a drawing activity in one!
Can the kids complete the picture of the ostrich on the left? We've provided a picture on the right, so they need to study it carefully to work out what is missing.
Some parts of this wise owl are missing and need to be filled in by the kids. Try it once while looking at the second picture - then try again without any help...
Can the kids complete the picture of the parrot on the left? We've provided a picture on the right so they need to study it carefully to work out what's missing. They can colour in the parrot once they've finished!
The kids will need concentration skills to copy the missing sections from the bottom image to the top on this peacock complete the picture puzzle. It's a lovely picture to colour in once they've finished copying too.
This complete the picture, with a cute picture of a penguin, is perfect for younger children. A fun way to practise pencil control and copying skills!
Here's a tricky puffin puzzle to try with the kids. There are missing bits on the picture on the left. Fill them in with reference to the picture on the right - or cover up the picture on the right, and try it without help...
This complete the picture puzzle of a raven has a lot of detail, making it a great challenge for older kids. Can they use their concentration and copying skills to fill in the missing parts of the top picture?
Children will enjoy completing the picture of this cute robin. Then you can colour him in, making sure you give him a red breast!
The face is missing on our complete the rooster puzzle. Can you use your observation and drawing skills to fill in the missing lines.
The tail makes our complete the turkey one of the most challenging of our complete the animal puzzles. Remember to look closely at the pricture on the right.