Comparing Numbers Worksheets


We've started this section with a simple set of worksheets comparing numbers up to 10, using consecutive numbers and introducing language such as "more" and "fewer" and "one more". More coming soon.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Worksheet Pack

All Comparing Numbers 1 to 10 Worksheet Pack

This worksheet pack contains 8 worksheets that work on comparing numbers up to 10, starting with the most simple 2 and 3. They ask children to count and write the number of objects and then introduce the concepts of more, less and one more by asking children to complete the sentences.

More, Less or the Same Worksheets Set 1

All More, Less or the Same Worksheets Set 1

There are two worksheets in this set, introducing simple "count and compare" activities and also the most simple language of comparison - more, less or the same. They are available in both UK and US school fonts.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Autumn

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Autumn

This simple worksheet asks children to count and compare numbers 3 and 4, and introduces simple comparison language as well as a challenge at the end.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Fruit

Comparing Numbers 1 to 10 Fruit

In this worksheet we ask children to count the apples and pears and compare which number is greater, then complete the sentences. Good early practice at comparing numbers ...

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Pets

Comparing Numbers 1 to 10 Pets

Children can count and then compare the numbrer of dogs and cats in this introductory comparing numbers worksheet, and finish the sentences with some comparison words.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 School

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 School

Here is the final one of our comparing numbers worksheets, this one using the numbers 9 and 10. Children count, decide which is greater, and fill in the sentences using simple comparison words.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Seaside

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Seaside

Kids can have fun counting and comparing the number of buckets and spades on this simple comparing numbers worksheet, which also asks them to fill in some sentences with comparison words.

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Toys

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Toys

Kids can count the balls and dolls and compare the numbers, then fill in the sentences using simple comparison language and try the final challenge!

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Winter

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Winter

There is some fun winter counting involved in this comparing numbers worksheets, which also asks kids to fill in the simple sentences using comparison words taken from a word bank.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Minibeasts

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Minibeasts

This fun worksheet asks children to count the minibeasts and fill in the number, then compare with another group and use comparison words "more" and "fewer" in the sentences below.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Shape 1

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Shape 1

Count the shapes and fill in the blanks in the sentences below, comparing each group with its neighbour. Children could "loop" the shapes together in 5s and 10s to make the counting easier.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Shape 2

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Shape 2

Here is more practise in comparing numbers to 10 - counting arrays of different shapes and comparing each with their neighbouring array. We ask the kids to fill in the blanks in the comparison sentences beneath.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Wildlife

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Wildlife

The little wildlife pictures on this worksheet make the counting and comparing fun! We provide groups of rabbits, squirrels, sparrows and owls for the kids to count and compare, and ask them to fill in the blanks with comparison words.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheets Set 1

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheets Set 1

There are four worksheets in this set. The first features wildlife, the second and third shapes, and the fourth minibeasts. The first three arrange the objects to be counted in regular arrays while the fourth presents the minibeasts in a more random arrangement, making it a little harder.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheets Set 2

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheets Set 2

This second set of worksheets for comparing numbers to 20 is full of fun pictures to get the kids engaged. Count 6 different groups of robots, flowers, Halloween and Christmas pictures, and compare the numbers in each pair of groups.

Counting and Comparing Flowers Worksheet

Counting and Comparing Flowers Worksheet

Children need to count the flowers in each group, fill in the blank with the correct number, and then compare the pairs. Each group has between 11 and 20 flowers. You can ask them to guess before they count, too.

Crab Number Sorting 2

Crab Number Sorting 2

There are 4 pages of these lovely crabs in this pack of sorting cards. Start with 1 set of 6 cards, then another set and work through the 4 sets, then try combining them until the kids can sort all 24 into the correct order - either from small to large or from large to small.

Crab Number Sorting 3

Crab Number Sorting 3

There are 24 crab number sorting cards in this pack. Try 6 at a time and then combine to give more of a challenge. The numbers range from 66 to 996.

Crab Number Sorting 4

Crab Number Sorting 4

Put the crab cards into the correct order - from smallest to largest, or from largest to smallest! This set includes numbers in the hundreds and numbers in the thousands.

Crab Number Sorting 5

Crab Number Sorting 5

This set of crab number sorting cards is going to challenge the kids! We've included decimals and numbers from the 100s to the 100,000s! Start with one set of 6 cards and then build up until you are sorting all 24...

Crab Number Sorting 6

Crab Number Sorting 6

We've made this set of Crab Number Sorting cards very challenging by adding in negative numbers, decimals to 3 places and numbers into the 100,000s - a great way to revise place value with the kids!

One Less One More Factory

One Less One More Factory

Can the kids fill in the blanks in this table, by writing one less and one more than the numbers in the middle?

One Less One More Monsters

One Less One More Monsters

Make maths fun with this adorable monster worksheet which helps children to practice "one more" and "one less".

One Less Worksheets Set 1

One Less Worksheets Set 1

Introduce the most simple of subtraction by taking one away from numbers 1 to 10. This set of 3 worksheets works through some word problems and then introduces a few "sums" for the children to try, all with the help of a number line if necessary.

More Numeracy Worksheets

Missing Number Worksheets
Missing Number Worksheets

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