Communication and Language
What can you do to help your baby, toddler and young child communicate successfully? Here we look at ways to build communication skills from birth to 5, broken down by age, providing ideas, activities and, where appropriate, printable resources to help.
Please note: we have followed the structure of "Development Matters", the UK Government's non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage. By choosing the appropriate age for your child/children below you will be able to find a breadkdown of what might be expected at each age, and suggestions for play to help development.
A child's abiltiy to communicate effectively is essential as it underpins all areas of learning and development. Every back-and-forth interaction they have with parents, siblings and carers will build on their communication skills.
One of the most important actions you can take is to read to your children from a very early age. Engage them in stories, rhymes and songs, talk to them, sing to them and smile at them! Let them see your facial expressions, and encourage them to make their own!
For specific skills to develop, milestones to look out for and activity ideas to aid your child's development, choose the appropriate age range below.
This page contains public sector information from "Development Matters", licensed under the Open Government Licence v 3.0.
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