Code Breaker Jokes


All NEW! Crack the codes to reveal our hilarious themed jokes for kids. We've started with dinosaur jokes, pirate jokes, ocean jokes and animal jokes. More coming soon!

Animal Code Breaker Jokes 2

Animal Code Breaker Jokes 2

We've created some more animal code breaker jokes for the kids to decipher and enjoy. These are a really popular, code-breaking, giggly activity for the kids!

Dance Code Breaker Jokes

Dance Code Breaker Jokes

Here's a set of our popular code breaker jokes for anyone who loves dancing! Use the code to decipher these funny, dance themed jokes. 

Dog Code Breaker Jokes

Dog Code Breaker Jokes

Have fun using the code to reveal a hilarious dog joke - or 4! These fun dog code breaker jokes will keep children busy as they first crack the code then share the jokes with friends and family.

Halloween Code Breaker Jokes

Halloween Code Breaker Jokes

Have a chuckle at these Halloween themed code breaker jokes. Ask the kids to decipher the jokes using the spooky little pictures. 

Halloween Code Breaker Jokes 2

Halloween Code Breaker Jokes 2

We've created more of these fun Halloween code breaker jokes for the kids to decipher and enjoy. These are really popular and will (hopefully) make you laugh! 

Winter Code Breaker Jokes

Winter Code Breaker Jokes

When it's starting to get cold outside and you need something to keep the kids entertained inside, try these winter themed code breaker jokes. They'll keep the kids busy and give everyone a good giggle too. 

More Jokes for Kids

School Jokes
School Jokes

More Codes to Crack

Keyword Ciphers
Keyword Ciphers

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