Our Christmas spiral a quick and easy Christmas craft that children of all ages will enjoy making! There's no glue involved so there shouldn't be any mess!
We found it hard to photograph our Christmas spiral to do it justice - it's really much prettier than it looks here!
You will need:
Laminating sheet and laminator (you could also use 2 sheets of clear contact paper)
Christmas sparkly shapes (confetti)
Draw a spiral shape onto the laminating sheet, using as much space as you can. If you are nervous about doing this, you could practice on paper first and then place the laminating sheet over the paper to trace your spiral..
Open up the sheet and arrange lots of sparkly shapes (confetti) on the sheet so they sit within the lines of the spiral. Scatter over some glitter.
Close the top layer and carefully feed your sheet through the laminator. Please note that laminators can get very hot so young children will need an adult to do this bit.
Cut along the lines of the spiral. Make a hole in the centre of the spiral and tie through some thread or string.
Hang your spiral near a window so it will catch the sun and sparkle.
Contact paper alternative:
If you are trying this with clear contact paper, draw a spiral onto scrap paper. Now cut two sheets of contact paper to the same size. Peel the backing off one sheet and lay sticky side up over your spiral design. Scatter your glitter and confetti within the lines. Peel the backing paper off the second sheet of contact paper and press down, pushing out bubbles as you go.