Here are two beautiful Christmas angels for the children to trace over. There are lots of loops and swirls and different shapes to give plenty of pencil control practice, and of course they can add some extra decorations if they like.
Here are two lovely reindeers for the kids to trace - and they will be getting lots of practice that will help to improve their handwriting while doing it! Once traced they could colour the reindeer in, or add some extra decorative touches.
Children can trace over the lines in these pretty pictures - of a gingerbread man and a gingerbread house - as a fun way of practising pencil control. They could use a mixture of colour pens, or trace in black and then colour the pictures in.
This pencil control worksheet featuring an interesting present, complete with lovely boat, is a fun way to practice handwriting at Christmas or other gift-giving occasions. Children need to think about where each line will begin and end and aim for a really nice result.