Chinese New Year Worksheets


Lots NEW! Get the kids engaged at Chinese New Year with our fun collection of worksheets. We've got many activities based on the animals of the Chinese zodiac: fact finding worksheets, maths facts colouring worksheets, handwriting worksheets, finger tracing pages, story pages, writing pages and tracing worksheets - perfect for early learners in the classroom or home. You can also find some interesting worksheets which ask the kids to work out Chinese zodiac signs by dates - one straightforward, and one with logic involved. Try your hand at alphabetical order, or tackle a bar chart! All have cheerful illustrations that will appeal to your children.

Chinese Zodiac Story Paper
Our Chinese Zodiac animal story paper is aimed at younger kids, and features our big bold Chinese...
Chinese New Year Tracing Pages
Our Chinese New Year tracing pages are not only an excellent pencil control activity - they are...
Chinese Zodiac Animal Fact Finding Worksheets
Here are some fun printable Chinese New Year animal worksheets for kids to use for some fact-...
Chinese New Year Story Paper
Use our printable Chinese New Year story paper for all sorts of writing projects for Chinese New...
Chinese Zodiac Animal Finger Tracing Worksheets
Here's a set of 12 worksheets aimed at early learners, to help them learn how to form the...
Chinese New Year Character Study Worksheets
Here's a really interesting exercise which asks children to pretend they are writing a script...
Chinese New Year Maths
Lots NEW! Use Chinese New Year as an excuse to brush up some maths skills with the kids! Have fun...
Chinese New Year Pencil Control
These Chinese New Year pencil control pages are just fun for the kids, who can use their creativity...
Chinese Zodiac Animal Handwriting Worksheets
Kids can trace the names of the Chinese Zodiac animals over and over on these cute handwriting...
Chinese Zodiac Word Tracing Worksheets
These fun worksheets for early learners ask children to trace the name of the animal. And of course...
Chinese Zodiac Animals Maths Facts Colouring
Here's something fun - a mixture of a colouring page and a simple maths worksheet for little...
Chinese Zodiac Writing Pages
We've got one writing page (in colour or black and white) for each of the animals of the...
More Chinese New Year Worksheets
Lots NEW! Here you will find assorted Chinese New Year worksheets that don't fit into our other...

More Chinese New Year Resources

Chinese New Year Colouring Pages
Chinese New Year Colouring Pages

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