Here's another of our Chinese New Year colouring pages based on the Chinese zodiac, featuring a rabbit. Rabbits are said to be good talkers, and also lucky - I wonder if the rabbit on this colouring page is lucky? Chinese New Year rabbit colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesHolidaysChinese New YearChinese New Year Colouring PagesYear of the RabbitTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZRabbitsRabbit Colouring PagesPet AnimalsPet Animal Colouring PagesAnimal Colouring Pages
Rabbit Maths Facts Colouring Page Colour in this cute picture of a rabbit by solving each sum and using the key to choose the right colours. Fun for little kids!
Count The Rabbits Colour in this fun puzzle page, counting the rabbits as you go! Inspired by Chinese New Year of the Rabbit but fun any time.
Rabbit Colouring Page 5 This lovely little bunny rabbit needs colouring in. We're sure the kids will enjoy the challenge!