All Boy Colouring Pages
There are 9 boys in this pack of colouring pages. The outlines are simple and fun so they are perfect for younger children to colour in.
Children love colouring in pictures of children - and we have many children colouring pages here at Activity Village!
Included here we have our very popular 24 colouring pages of little children with simple outlines and a variety of hairstyles and clothes. It might be fun to colour a collection of them to make a frieze around the walls. You could try cutting them out when done, too.
Of course there are many more colouring pages featuring children at Activity Village, in addition to the ones you find here! We have a special section of Children With Disabilities Colouring Pages too.
There are 9 boys in this pack of colouring pages. The outlines are simple and fun so they are perfect for younger children to colour in.
There are 15 little girl colouring pages in this pack, perfect for younger children to colour in. Pick a hairstyle and clothing to suit if you like!
Can the kids choose some nice bright colours to colour in this cheerful boy? He looks very smart in his lovely shirt!
The smile on this boys face is bound to make anyone happy, especially if they are colouring in this lovely picture!
Print out and colour in this simple picture of this smiling boy who looks like he's dancing and having lots of fun...
Kids will enjoy colouring in this simple drawing of a happy boy with a big smile!
This simple colouring page features a happy boy with his arms in the air, dancing and having fun! The kids can have fun too by colouring in this lovely picture...
People around the world all love to dance, just like the happy boy on this colouring page!
No wonder this little boy looks happy, he's all wrapped up in a smart, warm duffle coat on this colouring page! I wonder what colour the children will choose for his snug coat?
This boy looks pleased to see somebody he knows, and he's waving hello to them! The kids can have fun colouring in this lovely picture.
Print and colour this lovely picture of a cheerful boy using your pens, coloured pencils or crayons...
Children can have fun colouring in this picture of a cheerful girl waving (or maybe dancing?). She looks like she'd be a fun girl to be friends with!
Ask the children to choose some nice colours to colour in this lovely picture - colouring in the bows on her dress might be a little tricky!
The little polka dots on this girl's pretty dress make this colouring page a little more challenging!
What a happy smiley face this girl has! She looks like she's dancing, maybe at a party? Colour in her pretty dress, shoes and hair in whatever colours you fancy...
This lovely picture features a girl dancing or maybe just waving? Either way, the children should enjoy colouring in this fun picture.
I wonder which colours the children will choose to colour in this girl's dress, shoes and hair, and also for the pretty bows in her hair?
This girl looks very happy on this lovely picture - can the children colour her in with some nice bright colours?
Here's a colouring page with a picture of a very smiley girl - maybe she's happy because she has a lovely swirly skirt and she's having fun dancing?
Print and colour this lovely picture of a happy little girl using pens, crayons or coloured pencils.
It's a lovely feeling to get wrapped up warm on a cold day and go play outside, just like this girl. The kids can have some fun colouring in her winter clothes...
Brrrr, it looks like a cold day, but this little girl is wrapped up lovely and warm with her coat, scarf and boots! The kids can have some fun colouring in this lovely picture.
There are some lovely details on this girl's top, including a lovely flower design, that will require some careful colouring in...
What a beautiful dress this girl is wearing! The kids can have fun colouring in her picture with some lovely colours.
Colour in this fun picture of a little girl, all dressed up in her dress and coat - don't forget to colour in the pretty bow in her hair!
This girl looks like lots of fun - she's wearing some funky dungarees and she's got a great hairstyle too! The kids can have fun colouring in her picture.
This fun pack of 18 delightful Halloween colouring pages features kids all dressed up and ready to go out for their Halloween parties or trick-or-treating. We've added a simple one word writing activity to the top of each page, for children to identify the costume and write.
Print out this lovely collection of colouring pages featuring 17 Halloween kids dressed up in costumes! Fold in half and staple and you have a special booklet that will keep the kids busy throughout Halloween.
There are 18 fun Halloween kids in costumes to colour in this colouring pages pack. You'll find children dressing up as scarecrows, pirates, witches, ghosts, zombies, clowns, fairies, princesses and more! Great fun to distribute to children to keep them busy and creative over Halloween.
Bright backgrounds and intricate hairstyles really set off these 16 fun colour pop colouring pages! The kids could choose one with a similar hairstyle to theirs, perhaps, and of course they can add details like faces and clothing.
These lovely doodly colouring pages have a real late 60s / early 70s vibe and are so much fun to colour in! You can draw in the faces yourself, or just leave them as is - there is plenty of detail in the hairstyles and backgrounds to keep you busy!
There are 16 fun outlines of girls - head and shoulders - in this pack. The outlines are simple but the pictures include interesting hairstyles and summery accessories, and are perfect for young fashionistas to add to, embellish and colour in.