Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was written in 1964 - but the story is just enjoyed and loved by children now as it was then.
The story's hero is Charlie Bucket, a young boy from a very poor family. He lives with his parents and four grandparents in a tiny, old house. His luck changes when he wins a Golden Ticket to a tour of the local chocolate factory, owned by the mysterious Willy Wonka.
Four other children have also won tickets - and they are certainly characters! Charlie Bucket and his Grandpa Joe enjoy their tour with Augustus Gloop, a very greedy boy, Voilet Beauregarde, a very competitive child who chews gum all the time, Veruca Salt, a spoiled brat, and Mike Teavee, who is obsessed with watching television (TV - get it?!)
I'm not going to give away what happens but you can rest assured that all the children get the rewards they deserve, in true Roald Dahl style!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Resources
Below you'll find colouring pages and posters of some of the major characters in the story, "wanted posters" which make a fun worksheet for younger children and character study worksheets for older children, a golden ticket printable for the kids to design, some chocolate bar activities and a word search.
Augustus Gloop was described in the book as a 'great, big, greedy nincompoop'! Our Augustus Gloop character study worksheet asks children to pick adjectives to describe the character, and then think about whether they would like to meet Augustus Gloop!
Colour in our lovely interpretation of Augustus Gloop, the "greedy boy" who found the first Golden Ticket and was also the first child to be removed from the tour of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
Augustus Gloop must have been very excited to visit the factory in the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Do you know what happens to him? Lets just say he meets a sticky end!
Our wanted poster is a fun way to think about what makes Augustus Gloop tick - and his faults!
Choose from two worksheets - one guided, one blank - and write about Augustus Gloop of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame...
Can the kids find all the woreds in this Charlie and the Chocolate Factory word search?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has to be one of the best loved children's books of all time. Our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book report encourages children to give their opinions on the story, what was it they liked or didn't
Here's a colouring page featuring all the main characters in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Mike Teavee and Violet Beauregarde.
What is it that makes Charlie a hero? Children are asked to think about the traits that make Charlie special with our Charlie Bucket character study worksheet.
Here's our colouring page of the lovely, kind-hearted Charlie Bucket, who of course is the well-deserved winner of the grand prize - taking over Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. You can see him here excitedly waving his Golden Ticket!
Here's a poster to print of our version of an excited Charlie Bucket, complete with his hard-won golden ticket!
When you've finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, write about the lead character, Charlie! We've got two character worksheets, one blank and one guided.
This simple doodle page allows children to design their very own chocolate bar and wrapper. It's perfect for Charlie and the Chocolate factory, of course!
Get the kids to design a chocolate bar! They can colour in the wrapper and chocolate in their own design and then describe it below. Encourage the children to think about their target market, too.
Use our blank golden ticket to write the details of your own special event, or ask the kids to design their own version of Willy Wonka's golden tickets, using their imagination...
Why do you think Mike Teavee wasn't the character chosen to win the factory by Willy Wonka? This Mike Teavee character study will ask children to think about character traits and if they think he was a good person.
Mike Teavee, the fourth child to find a Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory tour, is a boy who watches television all day long! In the book he carries toy pistols and shoots gangsters on the TV; in the latest film he is a video game fanatic.
Mike Teavee could have been Willy Wonka's favourite in the tour of the chocolate factory - but he wasn't! Do you know why? Here's a fun poster to print...
Get your child to fill out this wanted posted for Mike Teavee - a bad-tempered boy who likes to watch television!
Mike Teavee was one of the five Golden Ticket winners to tour Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but he wasn't there at the end. Use one of these worksheets to describe Mike and explain why...
Spoilt and rude are some of the character traits that describe Veruca Salt! Children can see what other traits they can find with our Veruca Salt character study worksheet.
Here's our colouring page of Veruca Salt, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Can you tell from it that she was very spoiled? If Veruca doesn't get what she wants, she throws a very big tantrum!
Veruca Salt really was a bad nut! Here she is about to go down the rubbish shute! She comes from one of Roald Dahl's best loved books, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Just by looking at the picture on this Wanted poster, I can tell that I probably wouldn't enjoy Veruca Salt's company! The kids will have fun filling in the details and colouring in the poster.
Veruca Salt certainly wasn't a pleasant little girl if she didn't get her own way! Choose from two worksheets, one guided and one blank, for the children to write about her character and her part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
What does the character of Violet Beauregard say and do? What does this tell you about her character? Children are asked to think about this and more on our Violent Beauregard character study worksheet.
Violet Beauregarde chews gum all the time - in fact she boasts that she has been chewing this piece of gum for 3 months! Yuk! I'm sure it was a relief when she is the second child ejected from the tour of the chocolate factory! Here's a fun colouring picture to print...
Violet Beauregarde comes from the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. She doesn't behave well when she visits the chocolate factory and turns into a blueberry!
Violet Beauregarde liked to chew gum - all the time -and Willy Wonka didn't enjoy her company! Fill in the details and colour in this fun Wanted poster.
There are two worksheets here to choose from, one guided and one blank. Use them to write all about Violet Beauregarde and her gum-chewing Chocolate Factory adventure!
Willy Wonka is a very interesting character. He seems to be a 'good' person who does 'bad' things. Our Willy Wonka character study asks children to describe the character, think about what he does and says and identify character traits.
Willy Wonka is the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world, creating magical sweet delights from his weird and wonderful chocolate factory.
Colour in our fun interpretation of Willy Wonka, owner of the exciting Chocolate Factory which Charlie Bucket and the other winners of Golden Tickets tour.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a wonderful story by Roald Dahl. We've created this picture of Willy Wonka for you. Print him out as a poster, or cut him out and draw his chocolate factory in the background!
Of course Charlie wouldn't have any adventures without Willy Wonka and his Chocolate Factory! Use these worksheets to write about the character, choosing from the guided version or the blank.
“However small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance was there.”
Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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