This worksheet asks the kids to put ten breeds of cat into alphabetical order. Cats Alphabetical Order Worksheet - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZCatsCat WorksheetsPet AnimalsPet Animal WorksheetsMore Pet Animal WorksheetsLearningEarly Learning ResourcesThe AlphabetAlphabetical OrderAlphabetical Order Worksheets
Cat Cloze We've left out some of the words in this cloze text all about cats. Can the children fill in the missing words using the word bank on page 2?
Cat Symmetry This cute kitty is missing one half! Can the children use symmetry to finish the cat picture?
Cat Cutting Practice Can the children cut along the dotted lines to reach the cute kitties on our cat cutting practise worksheet? Perfect for a pet topic!