Looking for caterpillars is one of the joys of spring. Learn more about these interesting creatures with our caterpillar worksheets.
Here's a fun way to introduce the children to partioning numbers (hundreds, tens and units) - with butterflies and caterpillars! There are 3 pages with 12 questions in the pack, to which we have provided one answer an an example.
Partition numbers in their 1000s with the help of these cheeky butterflies and caterpillars! There are 12 questions in this pack, and we've done the first to show the kids how it works.
This butterfly lifecycle cloze worksheet is an interesting way to learn a little more about the life cycle of these fascinating minibeasts. We've provided a number of words to be used to fill in the blanks.
Have you been studying the life cycle of butterflies? This labelling worksheet is a great way to test how much the kids have learned.
Test how much the children know about the life cycle of a butterfly with this fun labelling worksheet.
Can the kids match the pictures to the descriptions and put them in order too on this butterfly life cycle matching worksheet? Choose from our colour version or black and white which they can colour in themselves...
Notebooking is a great way of recording what you know about a topic! We have two versions of each of our butterfly lifecycle notebooking pages - one with space for a drawing, the other lined throughout.
Can the kids complete the life cycle of a butterfly using the pictures provided? They need to cut out each picture, arrange in the correct order then glue in place.
This story paper shows the stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Ask children to describe the stages and colour the picture or use as a creative writing prompt.
This butterfly life cycle story paper comes in black and white or colour, and lined or with handwriting lines. There are no labels on the picture, so can the kids describe the life cycle process themselves.
Can the children describe the butterfly life cycle on this story paper? The diagram at the top should help them, and they can colour in the illustration too.
Can the children describe the lifecycle of a butterfly using our set of story papers? Each story paper has a picture and plenty of room for writing.
To grow into an adult, a butterfly goes through 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly. We have a story paper for each stage in this set, with lots of room to write down notes.
Count the pictures - all caterpillars and butterflies - and match to the right number card. Alternatively, fold the cards in half down the centre and glue back to back to form double-sided flash cards.
Writing an acrostic poem with the letters CATERPILLAR is a challenge. The unlined versions of our caterpillar acrosic poem printable make good drawing frames if you prefer. There are 4 different pages in the one file so you can print the one you need.
Read Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti (we have a lovely printable version here) and then answer these questions. We've included an answer sheet for easy marking / checking in the pdf.
Start younger children off with our caterpillar finger tracing worksheet. Colour the picture and then "finger trace" the letters to learn how to form them...
There is plenty of handwriting practise on this fun handwriting worksheet - featuring the caterpillar!
The kids will need to use their addition, subtraction or multiplication skills to work out the sums and colour in the picture of the caterpillar. A fun way to practise sums!
Measure our cute little caterpillars with a ruler, and write down your answer. This is a fun worksheet for children learning to measure, and you could use it with a caterpillar / butterfly project.
Here's a useful caterpillar notebooking page, perfect for recording what you have learned about the caterpillar. If you choose page 1, you have space for your own drawings, too.
This lovely caterpillar story paper is perfect for younger children - to inspire some creative writing.
Colour the caterpillar and trace the letters beneath on this fun minibeast handwriting worksheet!
Children will need to use books or the internet as well as their own knowledge to complete this caterpillar worksheet.
You could ask the kids to describe the scene in the picture before colouring it in, or perhaps make up a story - either is a good use of this caterpillar scene story paper!
This simple worksheet provides practice of writing letters b and c, for butterfly and caterpillar - perfect for a spring or summer or minibeasts theme.