Castle Printables


We hope you enjoy these castle printables. At the moment we have some fun acrostic poem printables to inspire your children's creativity, and a set of oversized bookplates. More to come soon!

Caernarfon Castle Poster 2

Caernarfon Castle Poster 2

Edward I spent a huge sum of money building Caernarfon Castle - around £22,000 at a time when a skilled craftsman only earned around 3 pence per day!

Castle Acrostic Poem Printables

Castle Acrostic Poem Printable

We have four different versions of our Castle acrostic poem printables to choose from, both with illustrations and without.

Castle Writing Paper

Castle Writing Paper

Use this fun writing paper, illustrated with a magnificent castle, for stories, thank you letters and more.

Conway Castle Poster

Conway Castle Poster

Here's a poster of magnificent Conway castle, which many say is one of the finest of Edward I's Welsh fortresses, and is now classed as a World Heritage site. Perfect to print as part of a display on Wales, castles or King Edward I. 

More Castle Resources

Castle Colouring Pages
Castle Colouring Pages

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