Cain and Abel Caption Cards
Use these simple caption cards telling the story of Cain and Abel with our Cain and Abel Colouring Pages, or perhaps as a sequencing activity.
These printable activities are designed to complement Genesis Chapter 4 verses 1 to 15, which tells the first part of the story of Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve have two boys, but something goes very wrong...
We have two sets of colouring pages, two story printables (one for older and one for younger children) in which we retell the story in accessible language for children, a comprehension worksheet, caption cards and story sequencing cards.
With thanks to for these wonderful images.
1 Adam and Eve decided to have a baby. She became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. " With the Lord's help," she said, “I have given birth to a son.” 2 Then she had another baby, Cain’s younger brother Abel. Abel grew up to keep sheep and Cain farmed the land.
3 In time, Cain brought an offering for God of some of the produce he had grown. 4 Abel also brought God an offering, of one of his first lambs. God was very happy with Abel and his gift, 5 but not with Cain and his offering. Cain was very angry, and he looked it!
6 God asked Cain, “Why are you angry? Why the unhappy expression on your face? 7 If you do well, I will be happy with you and you will smile again. If you don’t do well, sin is waiting to tempt you. You must resist it.”
8 Cain called to Abel, his brother, “Let’s go into the field.” While they were in the field, Cain attacked Abel and killed him!
9 Then the Lord asked Cain, “Where is Abel, your brother?” Cain replied, “How should I know? Is it my job to look after him?”
10 Then God cried, “What have you done? I can see your brother's blood on the ground, and it tells me a terrible story! 11 Now you are cursed because, with your own hands, you spilled your brother's blood onto the land that has provided for you! 12 From now on, when you farm the land, it won’t give you good crops. You will have to leave here and wander the earth.”
13 Cain replied, “This punishment is more than I can bear! 14 I can no longer farm the land. I will have to hide from you, leave here and wander the earth. Whoever finds me will kill me.”
15 The Lord said, "If anyone kills you, I will punish them seven times more than I have punished you." And God put a mark on Cain, warning anyone who met him not to kill him.
Use these simple caption cards telling the story of Cain and Abel with our Cain and Abel Colouring Pages, or perhaps as a sequencing activity.
These 4 printable colouring pages illustrate the story of Genesis Chapter 4 verses 1-15 - the story of Cain and Abel, and what happened when anger overwhelmed Cain.
We've added simple captions to this set of 4 colouring pages illustrating the Bible story of Cain and Abel for kids. Why not colour them in and put them up on display for children to revisit? Or create your own colouring page folder of Bible stories...
Read the story of Cain and Abel with your children, then see what they have remembered and taken from the story with the help of this comprehension activity.
Colour the pictures that illustrate the story of Cain and Abel, which we have retold in child-friendly language, while keeping to the structure and verses 1-15 of Genesis Chapter 4.
Print this little booklet double-sided and simply fold in half and staple, to have an A5 version of the story of Cain and Abel which children can read and enjoy. And of course they can colour in the pictures, too!
There are 4 pages in this pdf file - simple lined pages with accompanying picture - for the kids to retell the story of Cain and Abel in their own words once you have read it together.
Cut out the four cards and muddle them up, then ask children to read them to put the story of Cain and Abel into the correct order. You could also cut the pictures and story sections apart and ask children to match the picture and story together as well as putting them into the right order.
Abel grew up to to keep sheep, and Cain farmed the land. You could explore these two topic sections for extra activities when you are learning about Cain and Abel.