Skip count your way across the grid by 2s, to help the butterfly find a leaf on which to lay her eggs. Butterfly skip counting 2s - UK - Log in or Become a Member to downloadButterfly skip counting 2s - US - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesStepping Stone PuzzlesTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZButterfliesButterfly WorksheetsMinibeastsMinibeast WorksheetsMinibeast Maths WorksheetsAnimal WorksheetsMore Animal WorksheetsLearningMathsMaths TopicsTimes TablesMaths Worksheets
Butterfly Skip Counting 10s Practise your 10x table with the help of this skip counting grid, and help a brand new butterfly emerge!
Butterfly Skip Counting 5s Can you skip count in 5s across the grid, to help the caterpillar change into a crysalis?
Butterfly Coordinates Butterfly coordinates! Write down coordinates, plot shapes, translate shapes ... this worksheet provides a real workout!