British Wildlife Word Puzzles


Have a go at a British Wildlife word search, a word scramble, a boggler puzzle and more - all themed on British Wildlife so perfect for kids who love animals ...

Bird Vocabulary Word Search

Bird Vocabulary Word Search

How well do the children know their bird vocabulary and terminology? Test them by asking them to find the 20 words relating to birds in the word search grid.

British Wildlife Wordsearch

British Wildlife Wordsearch

Here's a simple word search for kids, in which they need to find the British wildlife creatures listed below.

Owl Word Search

Owl Word Search

Have a go at this owl word search, which contains many of the words that you might have picked up in our Life Cycle of an Owl section. We've produced 2 versions - one in our usual font and one in large font with capital letters, suitable for adults (and especially seniors).

Word Wheel Challenge 4

Word Wheel Challenge 4

Depending on how you found this puzzle at Activity Village, you might have already guessed what the nine-letter word hidden in the word wheel is! But you might be surprised by how many other words you can make with those letters, including the G in the centre of the wheel...

More British Wildlife Puzzles

British Wildlife Dot to Dots
British Wildlife Dot to Dots

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