Bat Template 1
Our bat templates are useful for halloween crafts. Why not use them to make our Halloween Moon Mobile.
Our British Wildlife Templates are ready to print and use in your craft projects or as writing frames.
Our bat templates are useful for halloween crafts. Why not use them to make our Halloween Moon Mobile.
The second of our bat templates features a large somewhat "Batman" like bat! We can think of lots of ways to use this one.
This bat template could be printed on to card and the bats cut out and decorated to make bookmarks.
This bunny face template can be used in so many ways, for decorating the house or classroom or in your craft projects. Of course you could simply orint onto white card and get the kids to colour in the nose, add eyes and "whiskers".
How about printing these bunny faces out onto white card, cutting them out and giving them to the kids to decorate. Then glue to the front of a portion of loo roll (or a strip of card rolled up into a cylinder) to make a fun bunny egg cup for Easter!
This cute template is useful for all sorts of craft projects. For younger children, why not simply scrunch up some squares of tissue paper and glue onto the shape, then cut out? Older kids could use it to make a simple soft toy with white felt and a white pompom tail!
Here's a useful little mouse template which comes in various sizes. Use it for tracing, cutting out, collaging, scrapbooking ... or even as a writing frame.
This template is designed to make a striking owl card by some simple folding and cutting. Print onto white card and then get your child to colour the owl in. Or use coloured card and stick on some extra shapes: you can see what it looks like here!
This gorgeous owl template is so simple to cut out and can be used in many different ways. See also our owl card and owl card template.
Our third owl template has a trickier bottom edge to cut out, but looks fabulous in brown felt or craft foam, glued to a collaged "branch". You could also cut out all the sizes and use this owl for sorting activities.
This fun owl template comes large so that you can use it in displays - but it is also useful for all sorts of crafts. Cut from brown card and then use it as a base for scrunched up pieces of tissue paper in brown, white and black - fun for toddlers!
Here's a cuddly rabbit template - useful for rabbit themes, Easter and Spring. Available in different sizes so suitable for crafts, cutting out, tracing, colouring activities and as writing frames too.
Here's a leaping rabbit or bunny template - useful for Easter or Spring crafts and activities, or of course for a rabbit theme. Imagine a line of these bounding along the bottom of the notice board in the classroom - or as name tags or place tags for an Easter party!
This cute bunny rabbit template is useful for all sorts of craft projects. For younger children, why not simply scrunch up some squares of tissue paper and glue onto the shape, then cut out? Older kids could use it to make a simple soft toy with white felt and a white pompom tail!
This fun squirrel template comes with a simplified outline which makes it easy to cut out. It works well in crafts and for display too. You might prefer squirrel template 2.
This squirrel template has fairly simple outlines, making it suitable for younger children to cut out, and comes in a variety of sizes. You could use the larger sizes as a writing frame in the classroom, too. You could also check out squirrel template 1.