British Wildlife Posters


Print and display these posters featuring British wildlife - they make cheerful displays in the classroom or home, and are also useful for cutting out and sticking, or for front covers for projects.

Alphabet Poster R

Alphabet Poster R

This cheeky rabbit is winking, and he's also teaching the children the letter 'R'! Print out this handy alphabet poster to display in the home or classroom.

Badger Poster

Badger Poster

Perhaps this simple badger poster will be useful in the classroom, for a wildlife theme. It has relatively simple outlines so it could also be useful for cutting and sticking...

Badger Poster 2

Badger Poster 2

Did you know that badgers can run very fast, up to around 20 mph? The badger on our lovely poster doesn't seem to be in a hurry though!

Badgers Scene Poster

Badgers Scene Poster

Here's a lovely poster of some badgers, perfect to display as part of a woodland animal or British wildlife theme. 

Bat Anatomy Poster

Bat Anatomy Poster

Did you know that the body of the bat - including their webbed wings  - has fascinated researchers for hundreds of years? The children can learn more about the anatomy of a bat with the help of this simple poster.

Bat Life Cycle Poster 1

Bat Life Cycle Poster 1

Perfect for displaying in the classroom, this lovely poster takes you through the lifecycle of a bat from their birth to becoming an adult. 

Bat Life Cycle Poster 2

Bat Life Cycle Poster 2

Our second bat life cycle poster has a little more detail for each stage and is perfect for older children. 

Bat Poster

Bat Poster

Here's a silly poster of a bat, to print for display, as a cover for a project, or perhaps to cut out and stick or suspend! You could also use it's yellow tummy to write on...

Bat Poster 2

Bat Poster 2

Younger kids will love our cute bat poster. Simply print out and display at home or in the classroom, or cut around the outline of the bat, then tape some wool or string to the back to make a hanging bat?

Bats Poster

Bats Poster

Here's a lovely atmospheric poster of bats flying at dusk, perfect to print and use as part of a Halloween display.

Bats Scene Poster

Bats Scene Poster

Here's a lovely illustrated poster to print out for decorating the house or classroom at Halloween. There are many details for the kids to enjoy ... the gates to the haunted house, the spooky eyes hiding in the gnarled tree in the foreground ...

British Garden Birds Posters

British Garden Birds Posters

We've got 20 different posters of British garden birds to print in this set, including a robin, a goldfinch and a wood pigeon - perfect for creating a stunning display in any classroom.

Deer Poster

Deer Poster

Our lovely illustration of a deer is here ready to print as a poster. It also makes a useful cover or addition to a project, and there's space for the children to write notes about the deer around the edges if they want.

Deer Poster 2

Deer Poster 2

Here's a lovely poster of an adorable deer in a forest. Simply print out and use for topic work or display on walls at home or in the classroom.

Deer Scene Poster

Deer Scene Poster

Here's a beautifully illustrated poster of two deer to print and display as part of an animal or wildlife theme - print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best result. 

Fox Poster

Fox Poster

Our bright and cheeky cartoon fox poster is fun to display at home or at school.

Fox Poster 2

Fox Poster 2

Foxes have started to live nearer to towns and cities in recent years, so you might be lucky enough to spot one of these beautiful animals sometime. Our fox poster is perfect for any animal or wildlife display.

Foxes Scene Card

Foxes Scene Card

Just download this pdf and print to get an instant greetings card for the kids to give to an animal lover - and who could not like this lovely picture of a fox mother and her cubs? Use borderless settings for best results.

Foxes Scene Poster

Foxes Scene Poster

A mother fox rests while her two cubs frolic in the woods in this cute foxes scene poster. Just print (using your printer's borderless settings if possible) and display.

Hedgehog Anatomy Poster

Hedgehog Anatomy Poster

Available in colour or black and white, this useful poster explains the anatomy of a hedgehog - a very spiky creature!

Hedgehog Poster

Hedgehog Poster

We love this cheeky hedgehog poster printable - and hope you do too! It makes a fun front cover for a hedgehog story or project, too.

Hedgehog Poster 2

Hedgehog Poster 2

Maybe you're lucky enough to have a hedgehog visit your garden from time to time?

Hedgehogs Scene Poster

Hedgehogs Scene Poster

It's autumn time and the hedghogs are out gathering for the winter! This fun hedgehogs scene poster will cheer up your walls as the leaves turn brown...

Life Cycle of a Hedgehog Poster

Life Cycle of a Hedgehog Poster

This colourful poster takes you through the life cycle of the hedgehog - from hibernation in the winter, breeding in the spring, raising young in the summer, feeding in the autumn and back to hibernation again.

Life Cycle Of An Owl Poster

Life Cycle Of An Owl Poster

We have four different versions of this A4-sized printable poster, which shows the different stages in the life cycle of an owl.  They will suit different ages, abilities and activities.

Mice Scene Poster

Mice Scene Poster

This fun poster has two cheeky mice playing with yarn! Perfect for brightening up any animal-themed display...

Mole Poster

Mole Poster

Here's a simple, illustrated mole to print for the kids - fun for decorating the classroom and part of a set of mole printables for our wildlife theme. Click the links below to choose which printable you would like - with word or without.

Mole Poster 2

Mole Poster 2

This mole looks like he's just woken up and climbed out of his hole! Print out this fun poster and use for animal and wildlife projects.

Moles Scene Poster

Moles Scene Poster

"I am a mole and I live a hole"! Moles may live in holes, but they've popped out to enjoy the summer on this fun poster.

Mouse Poster

Mouse Poster

Here's a lovely mouse poster printable which might look fun on display in the playroom or nursery - or perhaps be useful on the noticeboard in the classroom.

Mouse Poster 2

Mouse Poster 2

Here's a poster of a very cute little mouse to print out and display as part of an animal or wildlife display.

Otter Fact Poster

Otter Fact Poster

Learn all about the otter with this printable poster, full of facts and interesting information for the kids. Why not laminate and add it to your British Wildlife display?

Otter Poster

Otter Poster

When you are doing a British Wildlife topic, you might want to display some of our simple animal posters or use them in your project work. Here's our otter poster, ready to print!

Otter Poster 2

Otter Poster 2

Otters are lovely wild animals, and you can sometimes spot them playing by rivers in the British countryside if you're very lucky. Or you can simply print out and enjoy our otter poster instead!

Owl Poster

Owl Poster

Our lovely new illustration of an owl, in poster form. The simple outlines mean it makes a good cutting and sticking owl, too.

How about writing a message on the white tummy feathers? Or cutting out the central oval carefully and using our owl as a fun photo frame?

Owl Poster 2

Owl Poster 2

Here's a stunning poster of a beautiful owl in a field of flowers, great to display as part of a bird or wildlife topic.

Puffin Poster 2

Puffin Poster 2

If you're very lucky you may have seen puffins when on a boat trip around the British Isles - there's even an uninhabited island off the eastern tip of Anglesey, Wales called Puffin Island where there are puffins but no people!

Rabbit Poster

Rabbit Poster

Here's a free printable poster of a cute rabbit or bunny to decorate the nursery, classroom or home! Perfect for Easter and Spring...

Rabbit Poster 2

Rabbit Poster 2

It's lovely to spot a wild rabbit in a field in the countryside, but if you're not lucky enough to see one in the wild you can always print out our poster...

Rabbits Scene Poster

Rabbits Scene Poster

This poster features some very cute little rabbits! Perfect for any animal lover...

Robin Poster

Robin Poster

Print out this cute robin poster to display at home or school. The cheeky illustration is sure to win a few hearts! You could also use this poster as a lacing card for younger children - or even cut out his "red breast" and use the robin as a picture frame!

Robin Poster 2

Robin Poster 2

This lovely photographic poster shows a robin close up in the garden and remind us why we love this friendly little bird!

Robin Poster 3

Robin Poster 3

This lovely photographic poster of a robin on frosty ground is perfect for winter displays. Children love to leave seeds or bread out for the birds in winter - especially if they are lucky enough to have a little chap like this come visit!

Robins Scene Poster

Robins Scene Poster

This lovely poster featuring two cute robins is perfect for a British wildlife or birds topic, and could also be used as part of a Christmas display.

Squirrel Poster

Squirrel Poster

Interested in squirrels? Print out this cheeky squirrel poster for display in the classroom or home, or use him in your projects.

Squirrel Poster 2

Squirrel Poster 2

This cute bushy-tailed squirrel looks very alert on our poster - perhaps he's busy finding food ready for hibernation? Great for wildlife topic work and displays. 

Squirrels Scene Poster

Squirrels Scene Poster

Our squirrel scene poster, in full colour, would make a lovely statement in your autumn or wildlife display!

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