Bonfire Night Worksheets


Scroll down for our collection of Bonfire Night worksheets and notebooking pages focusing on the historical aspects of 5th November - and some just for fun!

Bonfire Night Acrostic Poem Printables
These bright and colourful acrostic poem printables make a fun pre-party filler activity as you...
Bonfire Night Handwriting Worksheets
Here is another excuse to introduce or practise handwriting skills - with our fun Bonfire Night...
Bonfire Night Notebooking Pages
Our notebooking pages are useful for taking notes, copying out work, or any sort of creative or...
Bonfire Night Scissor Skills
Get your youngest children handling their scissors with confidence with the help of these fun...
Bonfire Night Story Paper
Capture the excitement of Guy Fawkes Night, fireworks displays, sparklers and a roaring bonfire...
Bonfire Night Tracing Pages
Our Bonfire Night tracing pages are a lovely way for younger children to practice their pencil...
More Bonfire Night Worksheets
Scroll down to find a mixture of Bonfire Night worksheets, all of which make a fun little extra...

More Bonfire Night Activities

Bonfire night colouring pages
Your kids can have fun colouring in an assortment of Bonfire Night colouring pages, including fireworks displays, bonfires, and even a "penny for the guy" scene!
Bonfire Night Colouring Pages

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