Making a Start on World Thinking Day
We know that many of our visitors are involved with the Scouts and Guides around the world so decided this year that we would try to bring together some helpful resources for World Thinking Day on 22nd February.
We know that many of our visitors are involved with the Scouts and Guides around the world so decided this year that we would try to bring together some helpful resources for World Thinking Day on 22nd February.
There's been lots of talk recently about how beavers should be re-introduced into the country as they can help to prevent flooding - something that the south of England has been getting a lot of this year!
We've had some fun putting together a comprehensive collection of wolf activities for younger children - everything from a grid copy drawing challenge to some simple colouring pages, handwriting worksheets and learn to draw tutorial.
As part of our Russia topic we thought we would take a look at some traditional stories from Russia, including this delightful traditional fairy tale, The Fire Bird.
I've just added another collection of owl printables, worksheets and colouring pages to the website. I can't deny it - I love owls!
Take a trip around some of the world's most well-known and best-loved landmarks with our collection of printable postcards. They print out onto paper and then it's just a question of colouring, writing, folding and gluing.
Is your child struggling with maths? Get a free assessment of their maths age - as well as build their confidence and abiltiy - with our free trial of Maths Whizz, an online animated tutor providing fun and interactive maths games and lessons.
I've just added to the site a brand new collection of handwriting worksheets based around winter sports. They would be fun to do any time but of course we've created them with the Winter Olympics in mind.
Just added to the website, a complete set of our new "maths facts colouring pages" for the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac - just in time for your Chinese New Year celebrations!
We've got three new "famous people" pages on the site today, and they are all great footballers! If your kids are fans of Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and the retired David Beckham, have a good explore below.
"A child's life is like a piece of paper, on which every person leaves a mark."
Chinese Proverb
Whether you are looking at goldfish for a pet theme or for Chinese New Year (the Chinese regard goldfish as particularly lucky) - you'll want to check out our goldfish topic pages because we've just done a BIG update!
We've been meaning to add some ballet and ballerina activities to Activity Village for a while - and now we are making a start!
I am honestly in awe of the crafts that Sarah has come up with for our Russian topic.
Balmoral Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Gretna Green, Hadrian's Wall, Loch Lomond, Forth Bridge - all Scottish "landmarks" and now available as colouring pages, posters and writing pages.
Get the printer ready - I've just added 36 new handwriting worksheets to the site with a Chinese zodiac animal theme.
I've just added a new collection of our popular learn to draw printables, featuring a collection of favourite Aussie animals, birds and sea creatures. Fun for kids of all ages!
It's not long now until the Winter Olymipcs start in Sochi, so our new Russian activities are coming thick and fast!
I'm trying something new, and I'm quite excited about it! Our new "colour pop" colouring pages have either a pre-coloured background or a pop of colour in the picture itself, and it makes the colouring part really spring off the page!
I thought that if we started working on some spring flower activities, it might make spring come sooner! Perhaps, if you are lucky, you've already got snowdrops peaking out of the ground ready to appear.