Guest Post - Having Fun With Daffodils!


Daffodils are a welcome sign of spring and one of the nation's favourite flowers. Rita and her children enjoy some daffodil activities in this lovely guest post

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Having Fun with Daffodils!

By Rita

It’s been a lo-ong winter here in the UK. By the end of winter I am always desperate for some sunshine and flowers. Spring has finally come, and I have been revelling in sun and colour and warmth.

I love daffodils – they are the heralds of spring. Around here they start popping up in January, promising that the rain and cold won’t last forever. Their cheerful yellow faces are evocative of sunshine. They stay through the end of winter and the first breaths of spring, and now, in April, we’re just seeing the last of them. In celebration of spring coming, I had a look at some of the fun daffodil activities and printables on the Activity Village site.

Learn to Draw

I love flowers but I’m not great at drawing them, so I was excited to do this one with my kids. Having it broken down into steps helped me to see the individual components of the picture. It was lots of fun, and I am now quite inspired to go and look at the other learn to draw pages on Activity Village. Maybe my kids will be able to recognise my drawings soon!

Learn to draw a daffodil
Learning to draw a daffodil

Grid copy

For those who aren’t confident drawing freehand, or for some practice with careful copying, there are grid copy pages. We had a go at the Daffodil Grid Copy. Breaking it down to small bits to copy can help with confidence, and I like the analytical skills it develops, too.

Having a go at the daffodil grid copy
Having a go at the daffodil grid copy

Sewing Page

For my hands-on girls, this daffodil lacing card page was fun! There are so many things you could do with this! You could use it like a lacing page, or break out the embroidery floss and do a fancy design, like we did. We used simple running stitch, french knots in the centre and long stitches around the petals (I marked out the holes first). You could even trace the flower onto some fabric and create some beautiful needlework.

Creating a design on this daffodil sewing card with running stitch and french knots
Creating a design on this daffodil sewing card with running stitch and french knots

Poetry Teatime

We have a weekly tradition of poetry teatime in our house, where we get out teacups and a teapot, eat cake and read poetry to each other. It’s one of the highlights of our week. A little while ago I was searching for a poem to read, and came across a printable on Activity Village of William Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud”. I read it to my kids and they loved it so much they stuck it up in the kitchen and memorised it!

Poetry tea time with Wordsworth
Poetry tea time with Wordsworth

Daffodil Acrostic Poem

Continuing with the poetry theme, there is a daffodil acrostic sheet, which I had fun with. I’m planning to get the kids to write their own daffodil poems next week to read out at our poetry teatime and I can’t wait to see what they come up with. That’s what I love most about Activity Village – there are so many great resources to spark kids’ creative juices, and they’re easy. They take so much effort out for me.

My daffodil acrostic poem
My daffodil acrostic poem

If you want some spring activities, check out the other daffodil pages on Activity Village – there are colouring pages, jigsaw puzzles, writing pages, posters and more! Go and get inspired – and enjoy the sunshine!

Collage Activities with a Mixed-Age Group

This is a guest post from Rita. Rita is a home educating mother of four girls, aged 10, 8, 6, and 2. She blogs at Chronicles of a Disorganised Homeschooler, where she shares her attempts to at least pretend to be organised enough to manage life, and the fun that she and her family has along the way.

You can find a list of all our guest posts, here.


Guest Post - Having Fun With Daffodils!
Wednesday, 25th April 2018

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