We have lots of fun ideas and activities for an All About Me topic at home or in your EFYS setting here, covering all seven areas of development and including links to printables within Activity Village.
We also have a printable version of our All About Me Early Years Planning Sheet here, available in colour or a more printer friendly, black and white version.
If you work in an Early Years setting and you have new children in September, an All About Me topic is a great topic to start with. As a parent, it's also a fun topic to do with your child as they can give interesting, and often surprising, answers to your questions.
In the UK, we focus on seven areas of development in young children. If you are a childcare practitioner, you will be very familiar with them! Here we have some ideas for activities that help children to develop in all of those seven areas as part of an All About Me topic. Scroll down for a printable version of our All About Me Early Years Topic planning sheet.
- Talk to children about their favourite things: colour, food, toys and books. Ask them to fill in this worksheet, drawing their favourite things and use it as a discussion point.
- Help children to develop their descriptions by asking them to describe things. What colour is their pet? How big is their house? What does their favourite food taste like?
- Sing action songs such as 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' to help children identify and name the different parts of their bodies. We have a printable with the lyrics.
Social and Emotional
- Help children to develop their feelings of pride and self worth by talking about what they are good at. Help them to fill in the stars on this 'Things I Am Good At' worksheet.
- Show emotions on your face. Can the children tell what emotion you are showing? Ask them what makes angry, happy and sad. We have got some lovely monster feeling prompts to explore their emotions further.
- Look at pictures of friends and family and talk about who they are.
- Using play dough is a great way to help children develop their fine motor skills, especially young children who are preparing to learn how to write. Use this play dough mat to create a self portrait.
- Use loose parts (bits and bobs such as buttons and pompoms) to create a picture of home.
- Discover the different ways we can move our body using this 'I Can...' sheet.
- Practise writing names using a range of tools such as whiteboard pens, magnetic letters or giant chalks outside.
- Read books that explore diversity and emotions. Discuss what makes us unique and special.
- Measure different parts of our bodies and fill in this 'How Big Am I?' sheet.
- Cut out 2D shapes and sort them into circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. Use the shapes to create a collage of home.
- Go for a walk in the local area looking for numbers in the environment such as house numbers, car registrations and bus stops.
Understanding the World
- Go for a sensory walk. Use the senses - what can we see, hear, smell and touch? Take a snack for the taste!
- Keep a weather diary. What kind of weather is your favourite?
- Let the children take photos of things that they like or find interesting when you are out and about. You could use them to keep a diary.
Expressive Arts
- Create self portraits using a range of materials and tools.
- Listen to our favourite songs and make up dance routines for them.
- Create some fingerprint art.
Printable Planning Sheet
You can download a printable version of this planning sheet here:
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