British Garden Birds Writing Pages
There are 20 pretty writing frames in this pack, for twenty of the most common British garden birds. Use them for observations, research and other writing projects.
We've developed these writing pages for use in the classroom, use them for recording individual research projects or for creative writing or for any writing project you wish they are so versatile.
There are 20 pretty writing frames in this pack, for twenty of the most common British garden birds. Use them for observations, research and other writing projects.
What do your children know about budgies? They could use this writing page to write a report about keeping one as a pet, perhaps?
Here's a useful writing page for Easter, spring or a farmyard theme, designed for writing about chicks.
With more and more people keeping chickens at home you could use our chicken writing page to make notes on how to care for your birds. If you don't have your own chickens why not visit them at the farm?
Capture everything you've learned about the cockatoo using our writing paper! We have a colour version and a black and white version to choose from...
Use our useful writing page - which comes in colour or black and white - to write down some facts about cranes, or maybe make up a story or poem.
Available to print in both colour and black and white, our dove writing page would be good for older children to write a report on why doves are the bird of peace; or perhaps they have been lucky enough to observe a dovecote and want to record their observations.
Use our duck writing page to write up some research or to record a trip to feed the ducks. We have colour or black and white versions to chose from.
Having special paper encourage's children to take pride in their work. Our eagle writing page will inspire report writing or creative projects.
Do some research and create a factfile on emus using this fun writing page, or maybe try writing a creative story?
Flamingos are one of the most easily recognisable birds on our planet with their lovely pink feathers! Use this writing page to record some facts about these beautiful birds, write a creative story or maybe write about a trip to the zoo?
Our goose writing page could be used for recording research or reporting on a farm visit. We have colour or black and white versions to choose from.
Use this useful writing page - which comes in colour or black and white - to write about the kiwi, or perhaps to make up a story.
Use this useful writing paper for stories or research about the kookaburra. Choose from colour or black and white.
Record everything you've learned about Ostriches with our fun writing paper! Or maybe try some creative writing?
Owls appear in lots of famous poems and stories, from the Owl and the Pussy Cat to Harry Potter - can the children write their own creative story about an owl, or maybe just record some facts about these beautiful birds?
Kids can use our parrot writing page for recording facts about parrots, writing a story (perhaps with a pirate theme?), practising handwriting, and for lots of other things. Available in colour or black and white.
Do your own research to write a factfile on peacocks or perhaps you could use our peacock writing page to write a story?
Our cute penguin writing page could be used for recording research or reporting on a zoo visit! We have colour or black and white versions to choose from.
Use our raven writing page to capture everything you've learned about these intelligent birds, or maybe try some creative writing?
We often associate robins with Christmas, so the kids might want to write a Christmas story on this robin writing page, or write a Christmas thank you letter? Or you could use it any time of year to do some research and record some facts about these lovely little birds...
Use this lovely framed writing page for your writing projects - perhaps to write a story, an observational piece or a poem?
Write a story about a rooster on the farm using this writing page, perhaps? Or use it for Chinese New Year...
Use our swan writing page to record a trip to a lake or river to feed the swans, or maybe to research and write some facts about these fascinating birds.
Use this turkey themed writing page for farmyard themes or perhaps for a Thanksgiving poem or story. Choose from colour or black and white printables below.