Bible Colouring Pages


We've tried to tell the story with our Bible colouring pages, and you'll find all your kids' favourites - from the Garden of Eden to Joseph and his colourful coat - below! And of course we have a huge collection of Nativity colouring pages...

Nativity Colouring Pages

Nativity Colouring Pages
Nativity Colouring Pages

Nativity Colour by Number

Nativity Colour by Number
Nativity Colour by Number

More Bible Story Colouring Pages

Cain and Abel Colouring Pages

Cain and Abel Colouring Pages

These 4 printable colouring pages illustrate the story of Genesis Chapter 4 verses 1-15 - the story of Cain and Abel, and what happened when anger overwhelmed Cain.

Cain and Abel Colouring Pages - Captioned

Cain and Abel Colouring Pages - Captioned

We've added simple captions to this set of 4 colouring pages illustrating the Bible story of Cain and Abel for kids. Why not colour them in and put them up on display for children to revisit? Or create your own colouring page folder of Bible stories...

Daniel in the Lions' Den Colouring Page

Daniel in the Lions' Den Colouring Page

This colouring page shows Daniel in the lions' den. "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight."

Delilah Cutting Samson's Hair Colouring Page

Delilah Cutting Samson's Hair Colouring Page

In the Bible, Delilah orders a servant to cut Samson's hair, to take away his great strength... but in the stories we tell children she cuts his hair herself, as depicted in this colouring page.

Easter Cross Colouring Card

Easter Cross Colouring Card

Print this Easter cross colouring card onto white printer card, and simply fold in half before colouring in. What a special card to give this Easter!

Easter Cross Colouring Page

Easter Cross Colouring Page

Our Easter cross colouring page is designed for older children, whio will enjoy the intricate details on the cross and the flowers in the background.

Garden of Eden Colouring Pages

Garden of Eden Colouring Pages

There are 4 pages in this set, designed to accompany your reading or telling of the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Genesis Chapter 3 verses 1 to 15.

Garden of Eden Colouring Pages Captioned

Garden of Eden Colouring Pages Captioned

We've added simple captions to this set of 4 colouring page depicting the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Genesis Chapter 3 verses 1 to 15. Perhaps as a Sunday school or group activity you could get the kids to colour in the pages for display?

Jacob's Ladder colouring pages

Jacob's Ladder Colouring Pages

Here are 4 lovely colouring pages illustrating the Bible story of Jacob's ladder dream from Genesis chapter 28 verses 10-22. Kids can colour them in for display or for their own enjoyment.

Jesus Stays Behind Colouring Pages

Jesus Stays Behind Colouring Pages

This delightful set of 4 Bible colouring pages shows the story told in Luke Chapter 2 verses 40 to 52, when Jesus gives his parents a fright by staying at the Temple in Jerusalem rather than returning with the family. Home alone!

Jesus Stays Behind Colouring Pages Captioned

Jesus Stays Behind Colouring Pages Captioned

We've added captions to this set of 4 Bible colouring pages, which show the story told in Luke 2 verses 40-52, about Jesus staying behind in Jerusalem to study in the Temple, and what happened when his parents found out that he was missing! What a nightmare for any parents...

Jonah and the Whale Colouring Page

Jonah and the Whale Colouring Page

This colouring page shows Jonah, thrown into the sea by his fellow sailors in an effor to calm the storm, and about to be swallowed by the whale.

Martha And Mary Colouring Pages

Martha and Mary Colouring Pages

These lovely colouring pages show the story of Luke Chapter 10 verses 38 to 42, when Jesus visited Martha and Mary - while Martha was busy preparing food and cleaning the house, Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him instead of helping with the chores.

Moses in the Basket Colouring Page

Moses in the Basket Colouring Page

This colouring page tells the story of the baby Moses, left in a basket in the bulrushes along the edge of the river Nile, and found by one of Pharaoh's daughters when she heard a baby crying.

Moses Parting the Red Sea Colouring Page

Moses Parting the Red Sea Colouring Page

Our colouring page illustrates the Exodus story in which Moses holds up his staff and God parts the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians.

Noah's Ark Animals Colouring Page

Noah's Ark Animals Colouring Page

Noah gathered together two of every animal to take them to safety on his Ark. This fun colouring page is one of two illustrating this well-loved Bible story.

Noah's Ark Colouring Page

Noah's Ark Colouring Page

All the animals are on the Ark with Noah in this fun colouring page. We hope the kids will enjoy colouring it in!

Plague of Frogs Colouring Page

Plague of Frogs Colouring Page

This fun Bible colouring page shows Pharaoh surprised by the plague of frogs which God sent to Egypt, just one of 12 plagues designed to encourage Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave.

Stained Glass Window Colouring Page

Stained Glass Window Colouring Page

This beautiful stained glass window colouring page is lovely to colour in any time, but of course it is perfect for Sunday School or, because of the cross in the centre, perhaps particularly appropriate for Easter.

Ten Lepers Colouring Pages

Ten Lepers Colouring Pages

These four printable colouring pages illustrate the Bible story of the Ten Lepers from Luke chapter 17 verses 11-19. Ask the children to colour them in for a display or just for fun!

The Burning Bush Colouring Pages

The Burning Bush Colouring Pages

Ask the children to grab their crayons and colour in these four pages telling the story of Exodus 3:1-12, when God gave Moses an important job to do after he saw a burning bush.

The Burning Bush Colouring Pages - Captioned

The Burning Bush Colouring Pages - Captioned

These 4 Bible colouring pages show the story told in Exodus 3:1 - 12, about God giving a rather frightened Moses a job after he sees flames coming out of a bush. We've added simple captions to each page to help tell the story.

The Good Samaritan Colouring Pages

The Good Samaritan Colouring Pages

There are four colouring pages in this printable set, telling the wonderful Bible story of The Good Samaritan. They're perfect to use as part of a display or to accompany your reading or telling of the story from Luke Chapter 10 verses 25 to 37.

The Good Samaritan Colouring Pages Captioned

The Good Samaritan Colouring Pages Captioned

These four lovely colouring pages have simple captions telling the story of The Good Samaritan. They're perfect to use as part of a classroom display or the children can colour them in just for fun.

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