This useful set of playdough mats helps children who are beginning to sound out their letters and recognise beginning letters sounds, by providing an example of a beginning letter word and a picture, and asking them to think of, and model, some more. Great fun for some imaginative playdough play! Download the complete set in one pdf file, or download them one at a time if you prefer.
Here is the complete set of our "begin with the letter" playdough mats for you to download in one file, if you prefer to have them all in one place. For repeated use you might want to laminate them. Or just print and throw away after each modelling session.
We are going all the way through the alphabet with this set of "beginning letter" playdough mats, starting with the letter A (for apple, ant, anteater, antelope...)
What can the kids make with their playdough, that begins with the letter B? How about a bed, or a ball, or a balloon...
Cupcake and cake begin with the letter C, and so does cat, crayon ... all fun ideas to model with playdough!
Think of words that begin with the letter D for this playdough mat - and get modelling! We've prompted children with the idea of a dog...
This set of playdough mats goes all the way through the alphabet asking children to think of things beginning with each letter to model with their playdough. I think if it was me, I would model an egg. I wasn't very good with my playdough!
It's fun to model Fish with playdough, for the letter F. What else can the kids come up with that begins with the letter F?
Girl begins with the letter G. What else can the kids think of to model with their playdough? How about a giant - or a grasshopper!
A hat is a fun thing to model out of playdough, but there are many alternatives beginning with the letter H. What can the kids come up with?
An igloo is just one thing that begins with the letter I. What else can the kids think of to model with their playdough? How about an iguana?
Grab the playdough and model a jug, or a jar, or a jaguar - anything the kids can think of which begins with the letter J!
A king begins with the letter K - and it might be fun to try to make one out of playdough! Or you could think of some Australian animals to model instead...
Modelling leaves out of playdough is lots of fun - especially if you press real leaves against the playdough to impress the markings! But there are lots of other things beginning with the letter L that they could model too. Perhaps a lemon? Or a lion?
Model a mouse out of playdough - or a monkey, or a matador, or a mat ... whatever the kids can think of beginning with the letter M!
Modelling a nose out of playdough might be fun for the letter N - but there are many more N words that the kids might be able to think of, too...
An octopus is just one thing beginning with the letter O that the kids could model out of playdough (and a fun thing to do, too, I think!) Can they think of more? Do you have any orange playdough to hand, perhaps?
A pirate begins with the letter p - but so do many other words that the kids can make with their playdough!
A queen is the most obvious Q word for this set of playdough mats, and it might be fun to try modelling one with your playdough!
Modelling a rainbow with playdough is great fun, but what other R words can the kids come up wtih?
What begins with the letter S? A ship is just one example. What other words can the kids come up with, and model with their playdough? You might want to laminate this mat if you think you might use it again.
A tiger is just one word with the beginning letter T. This playdough mat asks the kids to think of more, and model them with their playdough...
An umbrella is an obvious word for the letter U, and perhaps not the easiest to model out of playdough. What other beginning letter words can the kids think of? It's a tricky one!
We've provided a picture of a VET for this letter V beginning letter playdough mat. What other words can the kids think of, and model with their playdough?
I'm not sure how you model an X-Ray out of playdough - but perhaps the kids can come up with a way? You might relax the rules with this playdough mat and ask them to model words ending with the letter x, too.
A yawn begins with the letter y. What other words beginning with the letter y can your kids think of - and model with their playdough?
A zip begins with the letter z - but what else? Get the kids to brainstorm some "z" words and then model them out of playdough. I feel a playdough zoo coming on ...