Bee Worksheets


Practise your times tables, work on handwriting skills with younger children, write a story about collecting honey, or discover the bee's life cycle - and lots more bee worksheets below!

Bee Acrostic Poem Printable

Bee Acrostic Poem Printable

With yellow and black bold text, our 4 page bee acrostic poem printable has four designs. Choose from lined or unlined, and with or without a picture.

Bee Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Bee Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Get the kids to write an acrostic poem about a bee - perfect for a summer theme. They can colour the picture in too!

Bee Counting Peg Cards

Bee Counting Peg Cards

Grab some clothes pegs, your printer and scissors, and cut out these lovely bee counting peg cards for little kids! They are very cute! And of course the bee on its own is the Queen Bee...

Bee Finger Tracing

Bee Finger Tracing

Trace the letters in the word "bee", first using your child's forefinger and then perhaps with a crayon or pencil. Then colour in the picture!

Bee Handwriting Worksheet

Bee Handwriting Worksheet

There is plenty of handwriting practice and fun colouring to do on our bee handwriting worksheet!

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 20

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 20

Help the bees solve the addition and subtraction problems on these fun worksheets. There are 2 sets of problems in the pack to provide plenty of practice, all within 20.

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 50

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 50

Practise addition and subtractionn with 50 with these 2 pages of mixed problems - perfect for summer or a minibeast topic, or just a fun way to perk up maths practise at anytime.

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 3

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 3

Work on the 6, 7 and 9 times table with the help of these "bee hive" worksheets. Can the kids be busy bees and solve all the problems on both pages?

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 4

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 4

The 11 times table is fun, but the 12 times table isn't always very popular! These 2 worksheets provide drill practice of the 11 and 12 times tables in a fun "bee hive" format.

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 5

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 5

There are 3 "bee hive" worksheets in this set, testing the kids on all the times tables. They are basically drill worksheets, of course, but we think the format makes them more fun to complete!

Bee Measuring Worksheet

Bee Measuring Worksheet

Measure the bees! This worksheet is a simple exercise in using a ruler. We have UK and US versions.

Bee Notebooking Page

Bee Notebooking Page

Learn about the bee and record your findings using our notebooking page printables. Choose the most appropriate - with space for illustration or without.

Bee Species Alphabetical Order Worksheet

Bee Species Alphabetical Order Worksheet

This worksheet asks kids to put these bee species into alphabetical order - and marvel at the names! It's hard to believe that there are over 250 species in the UK, isn't it?

Bee Species Fact vs Fiction

Bee Species Fact vs Fiction

This is a fun cut and paste "worksheet" activity for children learning about bees. Which of these boxes contain the names of real species, and which have we made up?

Bee Story Paper

Bee Story Paper

We all know we need to do more to protect our bees. Children can use this story paper to explain why bees are so important or to write a fun bee themed story.

Bee Tracing Page

Bee Tracing Page

This cute bee tracing page is sure to get children running for a pencil to complete the picture by tracing the dotted lines.

Bee Word Tracing

Bee Word Tracing

Here is a lovely handwriting worksheet with the useful word "bee" – and a super picture to colour in too.

Bee Worksheet

Bee Worksheet

Learn about bees and their importance as pollinators with help from this fact finding worksheet. Chose from colour or black and white.

Bees Scene Story Paper

Bees Scene Story Paper

This lovely bee scene picture is sure to provide lots of creative inspiration for story writing. We have lined and handwriting versions of our bees scene story paper to chose from.

Bumble Bee Acrostic Poem Printable

Bumble Bee Acrostic Poem Printable

Write about the bumble bee with this fun acrostic printable. If the acrostic poem is too challenging for your age-group, the printable works well for all sorts of other writing projects too, with four different versions available.

Bumblebees vs Honey Bees Venn Diagram

Bumblebees vs Honey Bees Venn Diagram

Bumblebees are different from honey bees in some ways, and the same in others. Use this Venn diagram printable to explore and categorise the similarities and differences while you learn about bees.

Collecting Honey Story Paper

Collecting Honey Story Paper

Print our colouring page and writing paper to get the kids writing about collecting honey. Would they be brave enough to do it themselves? It makes a lovely summer writing project.

Honey Bee Fact vs Fiction

Honey Bee Fact vs Fiction

Sort out the fact from the fiction with our honey bee cut and paste sorting activity. It's a good way to check what your child has learned - or perhaps set them off on a research project about bees.

Life Cycle of a Honey Bee Labelling Worksheet

Life Cycle of a Honey Bee Labelling Worksheet

We've left blanks for the children to fill in with each of the 4 stages of the honey bee's life cycle. Choose from a blank version of the worksheet, or one which prompts the 4 stages.

Magic Hexagons Pack 1

Magic Hexagons Pack 1

Magic hexagons are like magic squares - but hexagons! The idea is to fit the numbers in so that all diagonal lines add up to the same total. It's a challenge! There are 4 puzzles in this pack, together with the solutions.

Number Line 0-10 - Bees

Number Line 0-10 - Bees

These colourful number lines come with blue edges and cheerful bees to help the kids along. Just slice along the dotted lines to divide them up.

More Bee Resources

Bee Puzzles
Bee Puzzles

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