This rainbow craft is fun because it is 3D - and also because threading beads onto pipe cleaners is just fun, anway! The rainbow sits on a cloud cut from foam board (or a recycled pizza tray) so it make a pretty display.
You will need:
- White foam board (we used a pizza tray)
- Pipecleaners
- Pony beads in the colours of the rainbow
Cut a cloud shape from the foam.
Push one of the pipecleaners through the foam near to the middle and twist the end so it stays in place.
Thread violet beads onto the pipecleaner. Now bend the pipecleaner to make a small arch and poke the end of the pipecleaner back through the foam. Cut off the excess pipecleaner and twist the end to hold in place.
Poke a second pipecleaner into the foam just outside the first arch. Thread it with purple beads. Bend the pipecleaner to make an arch slightly bigger than your first arch and poke the end of the pipecleaner back through the foam. Cut off the excess pipecleaner and twist the end to hold in place.
Repeat with the next five colours, making the arches bigger each time.
Tape the ends of the pipecleaners to the foam so they sit flat and hold securely.