Solve the long number sentences to work out the final answer. There are 2 similar worksheets in this set, for extra practice, both themed for autumn. Autumn number sentences 1 - Log in or Become a Member to downloadAutumn number sentences 1 - answers - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZSquirrelsSquirrel WorksheetsBritish WildlifeBritish Wildlife WorksheetsMore British Wildlife WorksheetsAnimal WorksheetsMore Animal WorksheetsSeasonsAutumnAutumn WorksheetsAutumn Maths Worksheets
Autumn Number Sentences 3 This number sentence involves squares and cubes, negative numbers and more - we've aimed it at Year 6 kids.
Autumn Number Sentences 2 Solve the long number sentences - which will involve decimals, negative numbers and other Year 5 level maths skills.
Equivalent Fractions Worksheet - Squirrels How well do the kids know their equivalent fractions? This squirrel-themed worksheet tests them on 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4.