Autumn Maths Facts Colouring Pages


Why not have a go at one of our maths facts colouring pages this autumn? They are a fun way of brushing up maths skills while doing some creative colouring, and kids enjoy them. More coming soon.

Apples Maths Facts Colouring Pages

Apples Maths Facts Colouring Pages

Our maths facts colouring pages are a fun way for the kids to practise their sums! Choose from one of our apples maths facts colouring pages below. There are 5 pages in the pdf: addition to 10, addition to 20, multiplication, subtraction within 10 and subtraction within 20.

Autumn leaves maths facts colouring pages

Autumn Leaves Maths Facts Colouring Pages

Can the children colour in the autumn leaves in the correct colours by solving the sums and using the key provided? This pdf file contains 6 colouring pages to choose from, with addition, subtraction and multiplication sums aimed at different ages and abilities.

Tractor maths facts colouring pages

Tractor Maths Facts Colouring Pages

Maths is much more fun when you're colouring in a picture of a tractor! The kids need to solve the simple sums then colour in each section using the key provided. We've got 5 versions to choose from in the pdf file below, covering addition, subtraction and multiplication...

More Autumn Colouring Fun

Autumn Dot to Dots
Autumn Dot to Dots

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Autumn Handwriting Worksheets
Autumn Handwriting Worksheets

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