Australian Animal Fusebead Patterns


Get out your hama beads, perler beads or own brand fuse beads and try these Australia fuse bead patterns, featuring our favourite Australian animals!

Kangaroo Road Sign Fuse Bead Pattern

Kangaroo Road Sign Fuse Bead Pattern

Just for fun, a Kangaroo Road Sign Fuse Bead Pattern! Use with hama, perler or own brand fuse beads for a fun Australia Day or Australian theme activity. You could stick a lolipop stick onto the back and push into the base of a pot plant for a fun display.

Shark Fuse Bead Pattern

Shark Fuse Bead Pattern

I don't know what kind of shark this is exactly, but I do know that I wouldn't want to meet it when I was going for a swim!

More Fun with Aussie Animals

Australian animals colouring pages
Australian Animal Colouring Pages

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