Animal Scene Story Paper


Our animal scene story paper pages feature families of animal in different scenes. Children can use them for descriptive writing activities. Describing the scene would be a fun way of thinking about habitats. They also provide lovely prompts for story writing as children have to think about what is happening in the scene and what may happen before or after. 

Ants Scene Story Paper

Ants Scene Story Paper

These two ants heading off on a journey might make great central characters for a creative story! Once you've written your story, remember to colour in the picture too...

At The Zoo Story Paper

At The Zoo Story Paper

Here's a colouring page and writing lines designed to encourage your child to write about a visit to the zoo. What animals will the children see? This is a good printable for Father's Day too. 

Baboons Scene Story Paper

Baboons Scene Story Paper

This story paper featuring a picture of a baboon family is perfect for collecting facts or for making up a story. We have lined and handwriting lined versions available, so you can also use it for some handwriting practise. 

Badgers Scene Story Paper

Badgers Scene Story Paper

Write your own creative story based on this lovely scene of some badgers in the woodland, then colour in the picture too!

Bats Scene Story Paper

Bats Scene Story Paper

You could use this story paper for dictation, copywork or creative writing at Halloween - or just ask the kids to describe what they see in the picture before colouring it in. There are lots of interesting details to inspire them. Who lives in the house on the hill?

Bees Scene Story Paper

Bees Scene Story Paper

This lovely bee scene picture is sure to provide lots of creative inspiration for story writing. We have lined and handwriting versions of our bees scene story paper to chose from.

Beetles Scene Story Paper

Beetles Scene Story Paper

We've got two versions of this lovely beetles scene story paper - one with handwriting lines and one with simple lines - so that a range of ages can enjoy it.

Black Cats Story Paper

Black Cats Story Paper

There are so many black cats to spot on this wonderful story paper - are they all up to mischief I wonder? Children can have fun describing the scene or writing their own creative story. 

Butterflies Scene Story Paper

Butterflies Scene Story Paper

Colour in this beautifly butterflies scene picture and use the lines to write a story or a piece of descriptive writing describing the scene.

Camels Scene Story Paper

Camels Scene Story Paper

This story paper features a lovely scene of two camels walking through the desert, to help inspire the children to write their own creative story.

Canadian Wildlife Story Paper

Canadian Wildlife Story Paper

Can your children tell a story featuring some Canadian wildlife? This story paper with it's lovely detailed picture is sure to provide inspiration.

Caterpillars Scene Story Paper

Caterpillars Scene Story Paper

You could ask the kids to describe the scene in the picture before colouring it in, or perhaps make up a story - either is a good use of this caterpillar scene story paper!

Cats Scene Story Paper

Cats Scene Story Paper

These playful cats are sure to inspire some creative story writing! Or maybe the kids would like to write about their own pet cat if they have one? They can enjoy colouring in the picture when they've finished too.

Cheetahs Scene Story Paper

Cheetahs Scene Story Paper

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, so perhaps use this story paper to write about the two cheetahs in the picture having a race?

Chimpanzee Scene Story Paper

Chimpanzee Scene Story Paper

This funny chimpanzee scene writing paper is sure to inspire the kids! Use it for story writing, describing a visit to the zoo, or for writing letters. Three versions available to suit all ages.

Chinese Animal Story Paper

Chinese Animal Story Paper

Here's a fun printable Chinese animal story paper featuring the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. Use the paper to write about Chinese horoscopes, the traits of each animal, or in all sorts of other writing projects.

Collecting Honey Story Paper

Collecting Honey Story Paper

Print our colouring page and writing paper to get the kids writing about collecting honey. Would they be brave enough to do it themselves? It makes a lovely summer writing project.

Cows Scene Story Paper

Cows Scene Story Paper

This story paper is perfect for writing about a trip to the farm, or for some creative writing. There's a lovely picture to colour in too!

Crab Scene Story Paper

Crab Scene Story Paper

This funny scene of a crab holding a big fork is bound to spark the imagination and get the kids writing a creative story or poem or two. We have lined and handwriting lined versions to choose from below.

Crickets Scene Story Paper

Crickets Scene Story Paper

Make up a fun story featuring this smiling cricket as the main character - we have lined and handwriting lined versions to choose from below.

Deer Scene Story Paper

Deer Scene Story Paper

Use this deer scene story paper to collect facts or perhaps make up a story. With a simple lined and a handwriting lined version available, you could also use it for some handwriting practice. And don't forget to colour in the picture!

Dingos Scene Story Paper

Dingos Scene Story Paper

This lovely story paper can be used for writing facts about dingos or for creative writing tasks. The children can enjoy colouring in the picture too!

Dogs Scene Story Paper

Dogs Scene Story Paper

Kids can use this cute dog scene story paper to write a creative story, or write about their pet dog if they have one? They can colour in the lovely picture too...

Donkeys Scene Story Paper

Donkeys Scene Story Paper

Use our adorable donkeys scene story paper to write an original story, or to record a visit to a farm. We have lined and handwriting lined versions available to suit different ages and abilities. 

Easter Bunnies Story Paper

Easter Bunnies Story Paper

Print this cute Easter story paper with colouring picture for kids to write their own story or recount what they see in the picture.

Echidnas Scene Story Paper

Echidnas Scene Story Paper

Use our echidnas scene story paper to write down some facts about these unusual Australian animals, or to write a story. Remember to colour in the picture too!

Elephants Scene Story Paper

Elephants Scene Story Paper

The fun and frolics on this elephants scene story paper will hopefully inspire a fun story, and of course the kids can colour in the picture, too. Chose from lined and handwriting versions.

Fish Scene Story Paper

Fish Scene Story Paper

Use this fish scene story paper to report on a trip to an aquarium or for some creative writing. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.

Foxes Scene Story Paper

Foxes Scene Story Paper

Kids can use this lovely fox story paper as inspiration for their own stories, then they can colour in the picture too. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.


Frogs Scene Story Paper

Frogs Scene Story Paper

Children can present their writing beautifully on our frogs scene story paper, colouring in the picture to finish.

Gazelles Scene Story Paper

Gazelles Scene Story Paper

Use our African scene featuring a family of gazelles to spark some creative writing with our fun printable story paper, or perhaps have a go at some copywork or writing down facts that you have learned about these graceful African creatures.

Giraffes Scene Story Paper

Giraffes Scene Story Paper

We have two versions of our giraffe scene story paper. Older children might like to use the lined version for story writing, while younger children could write a sentence about what they see on the handriting version.

Goats Scene Story Paper

Goats Scene Story Paper

For a farmyard theme or just for fun, let our adorable goat scene story paper inspire the kids! We have lined or handwriting versions available. 

Goldfish Scene Story Paper

Goldfish Scene Story Paper

This lovely goldfish scene story paper could be used for creative writing, or maybe to write about how to look after goldfish as pets? Kids can colour in the pretty picture too...

Gorillas Scene Story Paper

Gorillas Scene Story Paper

Use this useful story paper to write about gorillas, collect facts or perhaps make up a story. With a simple lined and a handwriting lined version available, you could always use it for handwriting practise too...

Grasshopper Scene Story Paper

Grasshopper Scene Story Paper

Perhaps you've read the story about the grasshopper and the ant? You can write your own tale based on a grasshopper on this fun story paper...

Guinea Pig Scene Story Paper

Guinea Pig Scene Story Paper

This lovely story paper featuring two hungry guinea pigs is perfect for inspiring some creative writing. We've got two different versions to choose from, lined or with handwriting lines.

Hamsters Scene Story Paper

Hamsters Scene Story Paper

This funny hamster scene is a great starting point for a story - what do you think happens next? We have lined and handwriting lined versions of this story paper available to download below.

Hedgehogs Scene Story Paper

Hedgehogs Scene Story Paper

Use this lovely hedgehog story paper for a woodland or autumnal story, or perhaps some writing activities. It comes in lined and handwriting versions.

Hippos Scene Story Paper

Hippos Scene Story Paper

Describe the scene or write a picture on our hippos scene story paper. Chose from lined or handwriting lines to suit the child.

Horses Scene Story Paper

Horses Scene Story Paper

Can the children write a story about this lovely little foal and his mum on our horse scene story paper? We have two different versions to choose from below to suit different ages and abilities.

Hyenas Scene Story Paper

Hyenas Scene Story Paper

Describe the scene or write a story based on our hyenas scene story paper. Choose from lined or handwriting lines to suit different ages and abilities. 

Indian Elephant Story Paper

Indian Elephant Story Paper

Children could write a beautiful story about this lovely Indian elephant! Or perhaps you could use this story paper for a descriptive piece of writing...

Jaguars Scene Story Paper

Jaguars Scene Story Paper

Write a story about this family of jaguars, or record some research work, then colour in the picture. We've got lined or handwriting lined versions to choose from below.

Jellyfish Scene Story Paper

Jellyfish Scene Story Paper

This jellyfish story paper features cute, simple drawings of jellyfish so it's ideal for younger children, but we have lined and handwriting versions to suit all ages.

Kangaroo scene story paper

Kangaroo Scene Story Paper

Children can make up a fun story using our kangaroo colouring picture as inspiration - or perhaps just describe what they see in the picture.

Koala Scene Story Paper

Koala Scene Story Paper

Children can write their own koala story using this fun colouring picture for their inspiration, or perhaps try some descriptive writing...

Koi Carp Story Paper

Koi Carp Story Paper

Did you know that Koi carp like these are particularly valued throughout Asia? In China and Japan, carp are thought to symbolise success, prosperity, courage, longevity and good fortune!

Ladybirds Scene Story Paper

Ladybirds Scene Story Paper

There are two cute ladybirds on this story paper. Use to imagine a conversation or describe the scene or any other piece of writing that the picture inspires.

Lions Scene Story Paper

Lions Scene Story Paper

Our lions scene story paper features a cute lion cub romping with its father in a scene sure to inspire children's creativity.

Lizards Scene Story Paper

Lizards Scene Story Paper

This lovely pair of lizards is sure to inspire some creative story writing! And the kids can colour in the picture when they are finished...

Lobster Scene Story Paper

Lobster Scene Story Paper

Tell the story of an underwater adventure with our lobster scene story paper. Choose from two versions below: lined, or with handwriting lines.

Manatees Scene Story Paper

Manatees Scene Story Paper

Kids can use this lovely manatees story paper as inspiration for their own stories, then they can colour in the picture too. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.

Meerkats Scene Story Paper

Meerkats Scene Story Paper

Here's a fun meerkat scene story paper - can the children describe the scene, or maybe write a creative story of their own? Once they've finished they can colour the picture in too.

Mice Scene Story Paper

Mice Scene Story Paper

Use our charming mice scene story paper with younger children for creative writing and colouring fun.

Minibeasts Story Paper Printable

Minibeasts Story Paper Printable

Look carefully at the picture and you'll spot lots of minibeasts to write about! Kids can use this printable story paper to make up a story, to write about what they see, or for nature study. 

Moles Scene Story Paper

Moles Scene Story Paper

This fun scene features two moles and should inspire some creative writing! Choose from one of two versions below (lined or with handwriting lines).

Octopus Scene Story Paper

Octopus Scene Story Paper

Have the kids had a trip to the aquarium lately? This octopus story paper would be great for recording details of their day. It's also perfect for creative writing tasks...

On The Farm Story Paper

On The Farm Story Paper

Here's a delightful colouring page with writing lines to spark kids' imagination for some farmyard story telling! The season is Spring so this printable also works well at Easter.

Otter Story Paper 2

Otter Story Paper 2

Write a cute little story to go with this cute little picture of 2 adorable otters, floating gently and holding hands. They look like such happy creatures!

Pandas Scene Story Paper

Pandas Scene Story Paper

This lovely panda scene story paper is perfect for all kinds of writing projects, and the kids will enjoy colouring in the picture too.

Pigs Scene Story Paper

Pigs Scene Story Paper

Here's the perfect story paper if you're learning about farm animals, or perhaps use it to record a visit to a farm? Two versions available below...

Platypus Scene Story Paper

Platypus Scene Story Paper

Use this story paper to write down what you've learned about the platypus, or perhaps to write a story about one...

Polar Bears Scene Story Paper

Polar Bears Scene Story Paper

Use our cute polar bear scene story paper for creative writing, retelling a story or perhaps as a thank you letter? We have lined or handwriting lines to choose from. 

Pond Dipping Story Paper

Pond Dipping Story Paper

Print our pond dipping colouring page and story paper and kids can write about what they see, make up a story or retell an actual pond dipping expedition!

Possum Scene Story Paper

Possum Scene Story Paper

Maybe the children can write a story about these three cute possums? We have two versions to choose from to suit different ages and abilities. 

Rabbits Scene Story Paper

Rabbits Scene Story Paper

Write a short story based on this lovely scene featuring three rabbits, then colour in the picture too. Choose from one of two versions: lined or with handwriting lines.

Rainforest Story Paper

Rainforest Story Paper

Write a story set in a rainforest with the animals on this story paper as central characters, or use for other kinds of rainforest-themed writing projects.

Reindeer Scene Story Paper

Reindeer Scene Story Paper

Reindeer appear in lots of Christmas stories, and this story paper might just inspire the kids to write their own reindeer tale. Or use it to write down some facts about these beautiful animals.

Rhinos Scene Story Paper

Rhinos Scene Story Paper

Here's a fun way to encourage some story writing! Our lovely rhino colouring page tops lines or handwriting lines on this rhino scene story paper.

Sea Turtles Scene Story Paper

Sea Turtles Scene Story Paper

Use this lovely sea turtle scene story paper for a sea-themed story or poem, or for writing some facts about sea turtles. It comes in lined and handwriting versions.


Seahorses Scene Story Paper

Seahorses Scene Story Paper

Use our seahorses scene story paper for a spot of creative writing or for recording an aquarium visit? Choose from handwriting lines or regular lines to suit different ages and abilities.


Seals Scene Story Paper

Seals Scene Story Paper

Kids can use our delightful illustrated seals scene story paper as inspiration for their own stories, then they colour in the lovely picture too. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.

Skunks Scene Story Paper

Skunks Scene Story Paper

Use our pretty story paper to write about the lovely skunks or to make up a story about them. Don't forget to colour in the picture! Available as lined and handwriting lined versions.

Snails Scene Story Paper

Snails Scene Story Paper

This story paper features a fun scene of two snails in a garden - perfect as a prompt for some creative writing, or perhaps descriptive writing. What is in the picture?

Spring Lambs Story Paper

Spring Lambs Story Paper

We have two versions of our spring lambs story paper. Older children might like to use the lined version for story writing, while younger children could write a sentence about what they see on the handwriting version.

Squirrels Scene Story Paper

Squirrels Scene Story Paper

These cute squirrels look like they're about to cause some mischief - the perfect starting point for a creative story perhaps? Remember to colour in the picture too.

Tigers Scene Story Paper

Tigers Scene Story Paper

Use our lovely tiger scene story paper to write an original story, or maybe record details about a trip to the zoo? We have lined and handwriting lined versions to choose from. 

Tigers Story Paper

Tigers Story Paper

Use our quick-to-print story paper featuring a beautiful illustration of a tiger and two cute cubs to encourage some creative story writing and colouring.

Tortoises Scene Story Paper

Tortoises Scene Story Paper

Write about tortoises, or make up a story with one as a central character. Choose from two versions to suit different ages - handwriting lines or lined.

Warthogs scene story paper

Warthogs Scene Story Paper

Kids can write a story about what you see in the scene on this warthog story paper, and then colour in the picture. Alternatively, use it for some desciptive writing practice. Choose from 1cm lines or handwriting lines.

Whales Scene Story Paper

Whales Scene Story Paper

Choose from lined or handwriting versions of our whale scene story paper. Use to display poetry or story writing, and don't forget to colour in the picture!

Wildebeest Scene Story Paper

Wildebeest Scene Story Paper

Use this story paper to write down what you've learned about wildebeest, or perhaps to write a story about one...

Winter Woodland Story Paper

Winter Woodland Story Paper

Will the kids write a story using these cute woodland animals as the main characters? Or maybe do some research and write some facts about these lovely animals? We have two versions to choose from to suit different ages and abilities. 

Wolves Story Paper

Wolves Scene Story Paper

Kids can colour in our picture of a mother wolf and two wolf cubs, and use it as inspiration to write a story - or describe what they see in the picture. Choose from handwriting lines or normal lines.

Wombat Scene Story Paper

Wombat Scene Story Paper

Here's our wombat scene colouring page in story paper form. Children can use the picture as inspiration for some creative writing, or describe what they see in the picture.

Zebras Scene Story Paper

Zebras Scene Story Paper

Use the picture on this zebras scene story paper as a prompt to write a story or a descriptive piece describing the scene.

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Animal Writing Paper

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