Animal Fact Finding Worksheets


Explore Activity Village's huge (and still growing resource) of animal worksheets for kids to use for fact-finding, research and fun! Each worksheet encourages your children to find out a few facts about the animal. We have well over 50 animals here, and the worksheets are available both in colour and black and white.

Animal Fact Finding Pages in action
See our Animal Fact Finding Worksheets in action in Shelly's blog post!

Angel Fish Worksheet

Angel Fish Worksheet

This angelfish worksheet might be great for a trip to an aquarium - can the kids find the facts they need on the information boards? If you choose the black and white version, the kids can colour in the picture too...

Ant Worksheet

Ant Worksheet

Ants are found nearly everywhere on Earth. Children can use our ant worksheet to learn more about these globe-trotting creatures.

Baboon Worksheet

Baboon Worksheet

Maybe a trip to the zoo or safari park will inspire an interest in baboons? They're usually quite funny to watch! Fill in some simple facts about them in this fun worksheet.

Badger Worksheet

Badger Worksheet

Here's a fun way to help the kids learn a little about badgers - with our badger fact-finding worksheet!

Bat Worksheet

Bat Worksheet

When you are learning about bats, why not get the kids to try filling out this bat worksheet. They might have to do a little research to fill in all the blanks...

Bear Worksheet

Bear Worksheet

Ask the kids to find out some facts about bears, then have fun filling in this worksheet with what they know. Choose from two printable versions below, colour or black and white...

Beaver Worksheet

Beaver Worksheet

This activity can be printed in black and white or colour. Fill in the answers on this worksheet and you'll be on your way to being a beaver expert!

Bee Worksheet

Bee Worksheet

Learn about bees and their importance as pollinators with help from this fact finding worksheet. Chose from colour or black and white.

Beetle Worksheet

Beetle Worksheet

Children need to describe the appearance and behaviour of beetles on this beetle fact finding worksheet.

Bison Worksheet

Bison Worksheet

Kids should fill out this worksheet with some facts about the bison, and colour in the picture if they like on our black and white version. A fun way to encourage some early research skills!

Butterfly Worksheet

Butterfly Worksheet

Our butterfly worksheet would be a fun activitiy on a summer walk or a visit to a butterfly house where children can observe these beautiful minibeasts.  

Camel Worksheet

Camel Worksheet

Are camels' humps really full of water? Children will need to find the answer to facts like this to complete our camel worksheet.

Cat Worksheet

Cat Worksheet

Kids should fill out this worksheet with some simple facts about cats, and colour in the picture if they like. A fun way to encourage some early research skills!

Caterpillar Worksheet

Caterpillar Worksheet

Children will need to use books or the internet as well as their own knowledge to complete this caterpillar worksheet.

Cheetah Worksheet

Cheetah Worksheet

Do your children know that the cheetah is the fastest land animal? What other facts about cheetahs can they find out for our cheetah fact finding worksheet?

Chimpanzee Worksheet

Chimpanzee Worksheet

Find out a few interesting facts about chimpanzees while you fill in this fun worksheet. Available in both colour and black and white.

Cow Worksheet

Cow Worksheet

Are you learning about farm animals?  Here we have a cow worksheet with simple guided questions to help you.

Crab Worksheet

Crab Worksheet

Perhaps a walk around some rock pools has inspired an interest in crabs? This simple crab worksheet asks the kids to research crabs and complete some information about these funny sea creatures. 

Cricket Worksheet

Cricket Worksheet

Do children know how crickets make music? They can record what they know about crickets on this cricket worksheet.

Crocodile Worksheet

Crocodile Worksheet

Our crocodile factfinding worksheet might be good to take to the zoo. Can the kids find out some answers from the information boards on the displays?

Deer Worksheet

Deer Worksheet

Find out what the kids already know about deer, and fill in the gaps when you fill in this fact-finding worksheet. We have one for all our British Wildlife and many other animals and birds, so you can build up a really nice collection.

Dog worksheet

Dog Worksheet

Find out some facts about dogs and use your knowledge to fill out this fun worksheet. Available in colour and black and white.

Dolphin Worksheet

Dolphin Worksheet

Children can do some research to fill in the blanks on this fun dolphin worksheet.

Donkey Worksheet

Donkey Worksheet

As part of a farm project or perhaps as part of a visit to a donkey sanctuary, our donkey worksheet will test children's fact finding skills and help them learn all about these lovely animals.

Elephant Worksheet

Elephant Worksheet

What do your children know about elephants? Our elephant worksheet tests children's abilities to find out facts.

Fox Worksheet

Fox Worksheet

What do the kids know about foxes? Capture what they've already learned and fill in the gaps with this fact-finding worksheet, in colour or black and white.

frog worksheet

Frog Worksheet

Our frog worksheets gives kids a starting point for their research into frogs. Use the internet or library to find out the answers and fill in each section.

Gazelle Worksheet

Gazelle Worksheet

Learn a little about the Gazelle with the help of this fact-finding worksheet, which prompts kids to do their own research.

Giraffe Worksheet

Giraffe Worksheet

Our giraffe factfinding worksheet would be great to take along to the zoo. Can children find the answers from the information boards?

Goat worksheet

Goat Worksheet

Find out some simple facts about goats and use them to fill in this fun worksheet.

Goldfish Worksheet

Goldfish Worksheet

Find out a little about the goldfish and then record what you've learned on this fun worksheet. Available in colour and black and white.

Grasshopper Worksheet

Grasshopper Worksheet

Perhaps a summer walk or a read of Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach has inspired an interest in grasshoppers. This simple grasshopper fact finding worksheet is a good starting place.

Groundhog Worksheet

Groundhog Worksheet

Find out some quick facts about the groundhog and fill out this fun worksheet. Available in black and white or colour.

Guinea Pig Worksheet

Guinea Pig Worksheet

Find out a few interesting facts about guinea pigs while you fill in this fun worksheet. Available in both colour and black and white.

Hamster Worksheet

Hamster Worksheet

Find out a few interesting facts about hamsters while you fill in this fun worksheet. Available in both colour and black and white.

Hedgehog Worksheet

Hedgehog Worksheet

The kids will have fun finding out some facts about hedgehogs and filling in this worksheet. Choose from colour or black and white.

Hippopotamus Worksheet

Hippopotamus Worksheet

Perfect for encouraging research skills, our hippopotamus worksheet asks children to find out some facts about these African mammals.

Horse worksheet

Horse Worksheet

Find out some facts about the horse and fill out this fun worksheet. Available in black and white or colour.

Hyena Worksheet

Hyena Worksheet

Find out some quick facts about hyenas, and use them to fill in this hyena worksheet. It's available in colour or black and white below.

Jellyfish Worksheet

Jellyfish Worksheet

Perhaps a visit to the aquarium has inspired an interest in jellyfish? This simple jellyfish fact-finding worksheet is a good starting place to learn more about them.

Kangaroo Worksheet

Kangaroo Worksheet

Children will need to find out a few simple facts about the kangaroo to fill in this fun worksheet, available in either colour or black and white.

Koala Worksheet

Koala Worksheet

Find out some quick facts about the koala, and use them to fill in this worksheet. It is available in colour or black and white below.

Ladybird Worksheet

Ladybird Worksheet

We have black and white or colour versions as well as ladybird or ladybug options for these fun fact finding worksheets.

Lion Worksheet

Lion Worksheet

This lion worksheet is a great way to get children to write. They can record what they know and perhaps research any questions they are not sure about. The black and white version can be coloured in too!

Lobster Worksheet

Lobster Worksheet

Children will need to find out a few simple facts about lobsters to fill in this fun worksheet, available in either colour or black and white.

Meerkat Worksheet

Meerkat Worksheet

This worksheet is all about Meerkats, those curious creatures from the desert who like to stand up tall and have a good look around! There's a colour and black and white version to choose from.

Mole Worksheet

Mole Worksheet

Kids can find out some facts about the mole and then fill in this worksheet with what they know. Choose your printable version by clicking the links below.

Monkey worksheet

Monkey Worksheet

Find out some facts about monkeys so that you can complete this fun worksheet. Available in colour and black and white.

Moose Worksheet

Moose Worksheet

Our fact finding worksheet will help you find out just a little about the moose!

Mouse Worksheet

Mouse Worksheet

Whether you are learning about the house mouse or the field mouse, this little worksheet will help the kids get their facts together!

Octopus Worksheet

Octopus Worksheet

Perfect for encouraging research skills, our octopus worksheet asks children to find out some facts about these amazing sea creatures. 

Otter Worksheet

Otter Worksheet

When you are learning about otters, filling in this fun worksheet will help you collect some interesting facts and information! Available in colour or black and white below.

Ox worksheet

Ox Worksheet

Use this little ox worksheet as an excuse to find out some facts about oxen. Available in colour or black and white.

Panda Fact vs Fiction

Panda Fact vs Fiction

Can the kids work out which of our panda facts are real fact, or fiction? This fun panda activity will help them learn all about these interesting creatures...

Panda Worksheet

Panda Worksheet

Our panda worksheets give kids a starting point for their research into pandas. Use the internet or library to find out the answers and fill in each section.

Pig worksheet

Pig Worksheet

Use this fun worksheet as an excuse to find out a little about pigs, then show off what you know!

Platypus worksheet

Platypus Worksheet

Here's a fun worksheet designed to encourage the kids to find out and record some interesting facts about the platypus - a truly interesting and unique animal! Available in colour or black and white below. 

Polar Bear Worksheet

Polar Bear Worksheet

This polar bear worksheet gives kids a starting point for learning about these great bears. Use the internet or library to find out the answers and fill in each section.

Rabbit Worksheet

Rabbit Worksheet

Whether for it's for Easter, Year of the Rabbit, or you are about to have a new pet, find out some facts and have fun filling in this rabbit worksheet!

Rat Worksheet

Rat Worksheet

Find out a few interesting facts about rats while you fill in this fun worksheet. Available in both colour and black and white.

Reindeer Worksheet

Reindeer Worksheet

When most of us think of reindeer we think about Santa and Christmas, and you might even be lucky enough to see one or two of these beautiful animals at a reindeer farm or parade around Christmastime. This fact-finding worksheet encourages the kids to learn a little more about them...

Rhinoceros Worksheet

Rhinoceros Worksheet

Encourage children to find out some fun facts about the rhino, or rhinoceros, with this printable worksheet. Choose from black and white or colour.

Sea Lion Worksheet

Sea Lion Worksheet

This sea lion worksheet is great for the children to record some facts about sea lions. We have a colour version, or a black and white version so they can colour in the picture...

Sea Turtle Worksheet

Sea Turtle Worksheet

Find out some facts about sea turtles and use your knowledge to fill in this fun worksheet. Available in colour and black and white.

Seahorse Worksheet

Seahorse Worksheet

Seahorses are fascinating creatures! Here's one of our fact-finding worksheets about them for the children to complete. We have colour or black and white versions to choose from.

Shark Worksheet

Shark Worksheet

Do some fact-finding about sharks and record the results on this simple worksheet, available in colour and black and white.

Skunk Worksheet

Skunk Worksheet

There's more to skunks than the bad smell they're sometimes known for! Can the kids find out a little more about them and record what they learn on our skunk worksheet?

Snail Worksheet

Snail Worksheet

They might be the gardener's enemy but there is something appealing about an animal that carries its home on its back. Children can learn more about snails by doing their research and filling in the sections on this snail worksheet.

Snake worksheet

Snake Worksheet

Use this worksheet to inspire some simple research and fact-finding about snakes. Available in colour or black and white.

Spider Worksheet

Spider Worksheet

A trip to the library or an internet search will help children do the research they need to complete this spider fact finding worksheet.

Squirrel Worksheet

Squirrel Worksheet

Help the kids learn about squirrels with this fun fact-finding worksheet, available in colour or black and white

Starfish Worksheet

Starfish Worksheet

Here's a factfinding worksheet about starfish that's perfect if you're planning a trip to an aquarium, or just want to learn a little more about this fascinating sea creature. 

Tiger worksheet

Tiger Worksheet

Use this little worksheet as an excuse for finding out some interesting facts about tigers...

Tortoise Worksheet

Tortoise Worksheet

Tortoises are fascinating creatures, and our worksheet will help the kids research and record some interesting facts about them. We have both colour and black and white versions to choose from below.

Warthog Worksheet

Warthog Worksheet

Our simple warthog worksheets inspires children to find out the answers to some simple facts. We have them for many different animals, so you could build up a real fact file. Choose from colour or black and white.

Whale Worksheet

Whale Worksheet

Here's one of our fun worksheets, designed to encourage children to find out and record some interesting facts about whales. Available in colour or black and white below.

Wildebeest Worksheet

Wildebeest Worksheet

Find out some facts about wildebeest and use our wildebeest worksheet to record them. We have a choice of colour or black and white versions for you.

Wolf Worksheet

Wolf Worksheet

Worksheets get children involved in researching a topic, or can be used as an exercise to recall facts already taught. This one, featuring a wolf, could be part of a study of animals, or even fairy tales which seem to have a lot of wolves in them!

Wombat Worksheet

Wombat Worksheet

Find out some facts about the wombat, Australian's amazing digger, and use them to fill in this fun worksheet.

Worm Worksheet

Worm Worksheet

Children can learn more about the humble earthworm by researching the answers to the questions on this worksheet. Chose from colour or black and white versions.

Zebra Worksheet

Zebra Worksheet

Use this fact-finding zebra worksheet to prompt the kids to learn some simple facts about the zebra. It's a useful way to get started and just one of many animal worksheets here at Activity Village. Why not build up a big folder!

More Worksheets

Bird Worksheets
Bird Worksheets

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