Ancient Egypt Worksheets


NEW! Whatever the age of your children, and whether you are studying Ancient Egypt at home or at school or just looking for an extra activity to back up an interest your child has taken in this fascinating period of Ancient History - you will find a fun worksheet or two here to keep them busy!

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Story Pages

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Story Pages

Are your children learning about the Ancient Egyptian gods? They were so important to the people of Ancient Egypt, and they are very interesting to learn about now!

Ancient Egypt Art Worksheet

Ancient Egypt Art Worksheet

As part of our studies into the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt, we present children with a unique opportunity to engage with history and culture in a hands-on manner.

Ancient Egypt Diary Worksheet

Ancient Egypt Diary Worksheet

This fun worksheet asks children to pretend they are living in Ancient Egypt around the year 2500 BC. We ask them to write a diary entry as if they were a child living during that time. What will they get up to during the day? What will their feelings be? Who will they interact with?

Ancient Egypt Gods Worksheet

Ancient Egypt Gods Worksheet

What do your children know about Egyptian gods and goddesses? The Ancient Egyptians worshipped many different gods and goddesses. This worksheet asks children to find out about some of them and to fill in the table with interesting facts.

Ancient Egypt Jobs Worksheet

Ancient Egypt Jobs Worksheet

This fun worksheet asks children to find out about some of the jobs done by people in Ancient Egypt and then pick one and write an advertisement for it. They will need to think carefully about what skills would be needed to do the job.

Design an Egyptian Death Mask

Design an Egyptian Death Mask

This simple worksheet allows children to design their own Egyptian death mask. They can have fun using colouring pencils or pens to create something stunning. It's a great project when studying the customs of Ancient Egypt.

Design an Egyptian sarcophagus

Design an Egyptian Sarcophagus

In Ancient Egypt, a sarcophagus was usually the external layer of protection for a royal mummy, with several layers of similar shaped coffins nested within. Some of the layers were often highly decorative, and even made of gold or silver.

Food in Ancient Egypt Worksheet

Food in Ancient Egypt Worksheet

What do the kids know about the food of ancient Egypt? This worksheet asks them to design a sample menu or recipe for a typical ancient Egyptian meal.

Map of Ancient Egypt Worksheet

Map of Ancient Egypt Worksheet

This worksheets asks children to begin by drawing the River Nile on an outline map of Ancient Egypt. Then they need to label the map with various places and regions. This worksheet is designed to challenge children and help them increase their understanding of Ancient Egyptian geography.

Sarcophagus Writing Page

Sarcophagus Writing Page

What do your students know about the sarchophagus of Ancient Egypt? Perhaps they have just visited the displays in the British Museum, or are learning about the customs of Ancient Egypt. Use this writing page to capture what they have learned.

Where is Egypt Worksheet

Where is Egypt Worksheet

Can your children locate children on this simplified outline map of the continent of Africa, and colour it in? You could use this worksheets as discussion as to the relative size of Ancient Egypt, its position in the continent and the world.

Where is Egypt Worksheet 2

Where is Egypt Worksheet 2

Locate Egypt on our simplified outline map of the world and colour it in. This is a good place to start when learning about Ancient Egypt, and putting it into the context of world history.

More Ancient Egypt Resources

Ancient Egypt Crafts
Ancient Egypt Crafts

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