Valentine Shaker Bottles


Children love to make these Valentine shaker bottles! They make a fun, inexpensive and easy group activity for a Valentine's Day party too!

Valentine Shaker Bottles

Collect empty plastic drinks bottles - any size will do, but we used 0.75l bottles (1 pint). You will also need a selection of glitter, sequins, cellophane, gold foil paper, gold coin wrappers, pink plastic straws, seed beads ...... anything that won't dissolve immediately in water!

Optional extras include food colouring (pink for Valentine's Day!) and glycerine. Use the tiniest drop of food colouring or you will find it obscures all the fun!

Fill the bottles nearly 3/4 full with water and add a little glycerine and, if required, food colouring. You can also use cheap hair gel mixed with hot water as a thickening agent - which is often easier to get hold of! Let the children fill their bottles with their own choice of bits and pieces. They can cut the cellophane and foil into little pieces with scissors or use a hole punch.

When they have made their selection, put the tops on tight and seal them firmly on with masking tape or similar, just to be safe.

Children seem to love playing with these - each one is different and offers endless fascination.


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