Pig Finger Puppet Craft


This felt pig finger puppet is such a lovely little craft for beginning "sewists" and it makes a perfect group craft, especially if you print out our template (which includes simple instructions) for each child.

Pig Finger Puppet Craft

You will need:

  • Pink felt
  • Pink stranded cotton
  • Pink button
  • Fabric glue
  • Our template (below)


  • Cut two body shapes from pink felt.
  • Cut one head from pink felt.
  • Embroider, with running stitch, a curly tail in the middle of one body.  Sew a line of running stitch up the middle of each body to make the legs.

Pig finger puppet craft - back view

  • Sew the body pieces together making sure to leave the bottom open.  
  • Sew a pink button to the face as the snout.  Glue the wiggle eyes to the face.  Glue the face onto the body.
Pig finger puppet template


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